Monday Housekeeping: Social Toolbar Buttons Like?

– After a horrific August with AnHosting, site performance seems to be solid again. If you notice any issues, please let me know. Traffic is up again and hopefully the next few months will help improve the site’s ranking. It took a major hit in August because of the constant outages. It’ll take some time, but I’m confident that the ranking will rise again. I’d love to get the Alexa numbers back under 100,000.

– You’ll notice a pretty significant change to individual posts. I removed the social buttons that are native to this WordPress theme and replaced them with a small toolbar at the end of each post. The change improves the load time of individual stories and improves functionality. The new toolbar is simple and implements several popular services. Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and StumbleUpon buttons are present. The new toolbar makes it super easy for you to share any stories that you like. Play it with it and let me know what you think (please)!

– I did have a question about the toolbar placement. One of the options is to leave it floating on the left-hand side of each individual story. It’s much more noticeable, but in my opinion it crosses the line to the obnoxious side. Leaving it at the end of each story is subtler, but also easier to skip. What do you guys and gals think? Do you like the toolbar where it is? Would it bother you to see it floating on the left-hand side?

Author: RPadTV

2 thoughts on “Monday Housekeeping: Social Toolbar Buttons Like?”

  1. All Jokes aside that was a pretty seamless Google Plus share (for some reason the site doesn't recognize the + symbol) and I really do like that the bar is set so low (pun intended).

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