Two Random and Funny Comic Con 2011 Pictures

Here are two random photos from Comic Con 2011 that crack me up. Above is Microsoft’s Major Nelson conducting an interview. I love how the Kinect sensor was tracking him the whole time. A bunch of us were goofing on him while he was interviewing because we’re mature that way.

If you’ve ever been to downtown San Diego then you know that pedi-cabs are abundant. Depending on what’s going on around town, you’ll see a variety of sponsored pedi-cabs with themes. My favorite was this Iron Throne pedi-cab sponsored by HBO’s Game of Thrones. I want one!

Author: RPadTV

4 thoughts on “Two Random and Funny Comic Con 2011 Pictures”

  1. That's a really cool way to get around the city. I think that's an awesome way to advertise different things. They look much cooler than regular buses and stuff, also since it looks like a chariot it seems to fit the Game of Thrones theme a little more than a gas fueled bus.

    1. San Diego is a really cool city. I wish there were more game companies down there so that I could visit more. Hell, I wish someone would open up or move a web site down there. That would probably be my third choice behind Phuket and Kauai.

      1. It always seems like it could be a pretty nice place, it just gets overshadowed by LA or San Francisco if you are from outside California and looking for a big city to go to.

  2. That's a really cool way to get around the city. I think that's an awesome way to advertise different things. They look much cooler than regular buses and stuff, also since it looks like a chariot it seems to fit the Game of Thrones theme a little more than a gas fueled bus.

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