Coffee Talk #328: Your Top 3 Games of Q1 2011

The first quarter of 2011 was loaded with outstanding games. Now that there quarter has come to a close, I want to know what your three favorite games of Q1 2011 were? As for me…

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, an ex-ref fighting Dominique Wilkins at a basketball game, Yankees baseball, or your favorite April fool’s day joke, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

The first quarter of 2011 was loaded with outstanding games. Now that there quarter has come to a close, I want to know what your three favorite games of Q1 2011 were? As for me, that’s an easy list to whip up. Check it out.

  1. Dragon Age II — While there are some aspects of the original that I prefer, there’s a lot I love about this game. Don’t believe all the whiners and haters out there. This is another high quality RPG from BioWare.
  2. Tactics Ogre — I absolutely love the developers that worked on this game. They went on to make Final Fantasy Tactics, which is my all-time favorite. The gameplay, music, and Queen references are awesome.
  3. DC Universe Online — I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this MMO…but perhaps I shouldn’t have been. As a comics fans, I had loads of mark out moments while adventuring with established heroes, but it was more fun beating up baddies with my friends.

Now it’s your turn! What were your three favorite games of Q1 2011?

Author: RPadTV

23 thoughts on “Coffee Talk #328: Your Top 3 Games of Q1 2011”

  1. Believe it or not, I've only really played 3 "new" games this year. The rest have been DLC packs or games I missed from last year that I've been catching up on. The only new games I've played were Dragon Age II, Dead Space 2 and MLB 2K11, and that's pretty much the order I would rate them.

  2. So far nothing has been good. Seems like the beginning of a craptastic year.

    You Don't Know Jack came out and it isn't as fun as it used to be on PC.

    Crysis 2 came out and although it looked okay, it just wasn't very fun.

    BulletStorm was okay, but it kept locking up on me.

    HomeFront didn't even appear finished.

    DeadSpace 2 was the best of the bunch, but only good for me for 1 play through.

  3. As far as Dragon Age goes. I turned the first one off after the Awakening thing where some guys died and I was still in a camp. Once the cut-scene ended I couldn't figure out where to go. I'll never touch another Dragon Age game.

  4. I've only played Dead Space 2 and Killzone 3 this year so far and love them both. I plan on getting LBP2 later though.

  5. @Ray
    I'm lvl 49 so I'll wait til I'm 50 and explore some endgame before giving final verdict. I'm disappointed in the crafting professions. Developer is solid though. I've been 49 for almost 2 weeks though.

      1. I thought it was real at first then the video kicked into full swing and had me laughing. The included PDF of various 'moves' is pretty funny. I acted all out at work.

  6. DCU hands down

    I have L.A. Noire preordered, so we'll find out Tuesday if that's on the list as well.

      1. April Fool's dude!!!!

        (I reckon that doesn't cover my ass the way I thought it would).

      1. I like Sessler, but he was the wrong person to review Dragon Age II. Sorry. It's clearly not up his alley, and I think that showed in the score.

    1. @Ray: Yeah they were fixed like a week ago. You just had to delete the DLC and re-download it. I already have 4 of the 5, but I missed the 100% friend/rival one this last playthrough. I've got 1000pts and I'm 4 Achievements short of having the full compliment. I think the other ones I'm missing are for finding all the resources and all of the Enigma's of Kirkwall. That and gaining the Arishock's full respect.

  7. Pokemon Black/White are definitely up there, of course they are the top game for me. Bulletstorm might still be worth a playthrough at a later point in time, I just don't have the time or money for it right now.

    Crysis 2 and Dead Space 2 also seemed like pretty good games, and I've heard nothing but great things about Crysis 2—and the demo seemed pretty good too. Again though, not enough time or money right now for them.

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