What Are You Playing This Weekend?

My friend Kenny is stopping by on his way from Vegas to Northern California. Last weekend we played some Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. Perhaps we can finish the game this weekend. After he goes, I’m going to play some Pokemon SoulSilver or Pokemon Pearl. I’ll pick up my shiny Raikou later today and start EV training him to become a fierce special sweeper.

How about you? What’s on your weekend playlist?

Author: RPadTV


12 thoughts on “What Are You Playing This Weekend?”

  1. Having another party game night tonight. Bunch of people who don't typically play games coming over to look like jackasses on Move & Kinect.

    Then I'll be playing Just Cause 2 some more. Started playing again about a week ago. That game is FUN.

  2. Black Ops, Scott Pilgrim (having trouble beating Mecha-Gideon), Uncharted 2 or Batman AA. i should have a lot of time Sat since my gf is having a girls night.

      1. oh ok thanks. i never noticed it before. maybe cuz i'm always trying to avoid getting hit by the cars when you start that part. i

      2. @sandrock
        Thanks for the tip on scott p. I finished today but i did it the hard way i think. I fell off the cliff during the giga-gideon fight and had to beat him without the sword! Holy fuck talk about irritating and hard!

  3. I've been working on Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess lately. Then I should probably work on Prince of Persia, but I pulled Mass Effect 2 off my shelf and may play that some more instead. Oh, and I need to finish Crysis Warhead as well. Got it for $5 during the post Christmas sales on Steam.

  4. More Pokemon Heartgold. I'm pretty much done with Diamond for now until I get a copy of Emerald to work through and can transfer up the three pokemon I need to get Regigigas- then I will have all of the legendaries from that one and will be good to go.

    In addition to playing that, I am playing some Halo for the first time in a while (about to get slaughtered online) and I should really get started on my paper on biological adaptation that is supposed to be done before classes start again on Monday…nothing like writing an 8 page paper on a topic I hate the night before it is due!

  5. Bioshock 2 multiplayer, Lara Croft & The Guardian of Light, Limbo, and I seriously want to go back to Bioshock 1 to get my last achievement: Brass Balls (beating the game on hard without using the vita-chambers).

    Normally, I make it a point not to play so many different games at once, but I make an exception for XBL games since they are shorter and usually have more simplistic controls. Also, there is not story in multiplayer to lose track of by switching to another game.


  6. It's my son's birthday on Monday, so we're having the party this weekend. As such, I won't likely get to play a whole lot of anything.

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