EA CEO Compares Harmonix to Falling Knife

Earlier in the month when I asked you who should buy Harmonix, a few of you pointed to Electronic Arts. It doesn’t look like that’s going to happen. According to Bloomberg (not Goldberg), EA CEO John Riccitiello made an unfavorable analogy regarding Harmonix:

I’m sure some smart investor will buy the business feeling that they can catch a falling knife, but more people have been cut trying to catch falling knives than have benefitted from getting the timing exactly right.

A lot of people in the Twitterverse claim that Riccitiello is being a dick, but I disagree. He has a point — buying a developer that specializes in “plastic instrument” music games is a risky gambit at the moment. I also love his poetic analogy. Falling knives are cool…and I hope Riccitiello uses furry walls in his next analogy.


Author: RPadTV


One thought on “EA CEO Compares Harmonix to Falling Knife”

  1. “felling knives?”

    I agree. The music game genre is in free-fall. Why hop on without a parachute?

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