Who Should Buy Harmonix?

In its quarterly report, Viacom revealed that it plans to sell developer Harmonix (Rock Band, Dance Central). My question for you is this: who do you think should buy ’em? A lot of pundits have predicted that EA will pull the trigger, since the move would help the company compete with Activision. Zenimax (Bethesda, id) has been on a shopping spree lately, purchasing MachineGames (ex-Starbreeze) and Shinji Mikami’s Tango Games. What another developer to buy? Activision could purchase the company, which would return Guitar Hero to its progenitors and eliminate its biggest competition in music games.

Is there a company that you have in mind? Who would you like to see Harmonix end up with?


Author: RPadTV


8 thoughts on “Who Should Buy Harmonix?”

    1. At his point, I'm of the persuasion that I don't want anyone (especially in the video game industry) to lose a job.

      Whether I like the games or not… it doesn't matter. I'd rather the people who work there be gainfully employed for a long time.

      That said… Activision is off the table.

  1. Activision doesn't need to buy it to eliminate the competition. They can just crank out GH iterations and do that.

  2. Zenimax does seem like a good candidate only if they really wanted to broaden their range a little more, but I see them sticking to more of their FPS/RPG style.

    EA does feel like a better candidate for Harmonix though because I could definitely see the music game genre to be just another added feature that EA has.

  3. You should, Mr. Padilla… right after you win the Powerball. In which case, I would like to humbly submit my resume for Director of Marketing. Or if N8 is going to run the company; "Supreme Overlord of Evil Marketing Practices and Advertising."


    1. I don't know why I never thought of this before, and I only thought of it because you mentioned submitting your resume which in turn led me to stake my claim for submitting my resume for head of research once Ray purchases Harmonix.

      But since you live in Miami I am curious if you have ever heard of Turkel Advertising or "Our-Kids of Miami Dade/Monroe, Inc." (it's a non-profit that deals with foster children).

      1. @Iceman

        I wasn't sure if you would see this (my previous post) or not since it was getting a little farther back, so instead of re-asking it later I just decided to try this post out.

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