What Are You Playing Over Thanksgiving Weekend?

It’s Thanksgiving weekend — a great time to catch up on gaming and/or try out new games! What are you playing this weekend now that you have two extra days? As for me, I have an ambitious lineup of WWE SmackDown vs. Raw, Splatterhouse, Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom (if it arrives in time), Enslaved, and WordFeud for Android.

How about you? What’s on your Thanksgiving weekend playlist?

Author: RPadTV


40 thoughts on “What Are You Playing Over Thanksgiving Weekend?”

  1. Black Ops, L4D2, GoldenEye, idk. i have so many games to choose from and possibly picking up more with Black Friday deals.

  2. Still playing Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, and if I need a break will probably play some WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011.

    1. Do you find yourself quoting in Italian lately?

      I've been saying things like "Bene" and Madonna" when I mean "Mam".

      I'm waiting to catch myself saying "Requiescat en Pace".

      1. i wonder why they would use Madonna instead of signora?

        i think hearing Madonna over and over again would get annoying, especially for me cuz it would remind me of the singer and what an idiot ARod is for hooking up with her after his divorce.

      2. It's not all in Italian. The language interpretation software in the Animus is just buggy.

        They use Signora too, but when he's talking to women who are higher up on the pecking order, he says Madonna. In parenthesis, they put (Madame) beside it… which basically means Mam.

      3. i see. i was actually going to pick it up at the redbox today. it's $3 buck rental for 2 days. i just want to check it out and see if they fixed anything from AC2.

      4. I have yet to play the multiplayer, so I have yet to give you a fair answer.

        I've been intrigued with the solo missions thus far and am looking forward to a replay.

        The scenery is gorgeous. The control is spot on. The fights are merciless (you being merciless). The stealth is fantastic. And the story is just as twisted and historically awesome as you'd expect. You can also buy historical monuments in Rome (hell yeah I own the Colosseum).

        … If that helps.

      5. I'd say the depth of content in the single player alone makes it worth a purchase. For a game that Ubisoft was basically calling AC2.5, there's a ton of content there. Sure, you spend most of your time in Rome, but if you include the countryside around Rome, Rome is huge.

        And very little tops doing the leap of faith of the top of the Colosseum, buying the Pantheon, or racing through the rafters of the Sistine Chapel.

        What I've played so far of the multiplayer is pretty solid; but as with any multiplayer mode, the amount of fun you have does rely heavily on who you play with.

      6. Playing this game REALLY makes me want to learn Italian. I find myself endlessly staring at Rosetta Stone's Italian software on Amazon.com (if I take the $250 plunge, I'll do it through here). Being 50% Italiano, I already know all the curse words anyway thanks to my Grandma.

        And yes, "bene" has become a part of my common parlance. My wife, who's 3/4 German and 1/4 Polish (being that she's from Pittsburgh, I'm sure that you're not surprised), looks at me like I'm nuts. Of course, I do the same thing when she curses in Polish, so….

  3. Medal of Honor SP & MP

    Just picked up GT5, so I need to give it a go

    The Fight finally came out

    Fallout NV

    Maybe take apart my Kinect to see if I can actually make it a useful device.

      1. I agree. there are a lot drivers for the Kinect out there right now that let you use with your pc. The coolest one i read about so far was making it take 3D pictures.

      2. I just figured the 2 cameras, motor, & microphones are worth more individually than when they are in 1 Microsoft package.

        My friend crossed his arms and his avatar glitched badly. it fell to the floor and twitched then popped back into place. Pretty fun to see but also close to the final straw.

      3. So, what your saying is that crossing your arms is the Kinect command for throwing an epileptic fit.

      4. @N8R

        HAHA pretty much. It was the only time it happened. We tried to duplicate it but couldn't.

      5. yeah i know what you mean about how glitches irritate you.

        i'm getting annoyed with Black OPs right now. it keeps glitching during online play, it will break up my party or show that i'm talking but someone else's voice is coming out of it. Connections are being lost more than MW2 ever did. I'm really thinking about picking up the 360 version now.

  4. I'm doing the same thing Nightshade is doing.

    Except I'll be wearing Steeler logos instead of Giants logos while I'm doing it.

  5. I don't think I will be gaming to much this week. Thursday is obvious lol, Friday me and some buddies are going to go to the Sam Adams brewery and try to take the tour twice for the free beer. Saturday my gf and I are are celebrating the one year mark. We will be staying at this Inn/Spa in Plymouth and all that fun stuff that comes with staying overnight in a normally unaffordable place lol. Then Sunday is football and Walking Dead.

  6. I use French and Cajun French in many instances quite often. Helps when traveling below I-12 or pronouncing street names lol.

  7. I almost forgot. Friday night I am doing something out of the ordinary for me. I will be attending my 1st sporting event since I was in the 7th grade (FCA went to Ranger game 16 years ago).

    I got free tickets to a Dallas Stars game for Friday night. Actually my dad gave them to me. He got them for donating a crap ton of canned food the other day.

    1. @EVERYONE

      Anyone been to a hockey game? Like I said I haven't been to a stadium event in 15+ years. Anything special I need to take or do? I am a bit nervous, which seems dumb but its my first time back doing stuff since my divorce.

      1. Release your in-hib-itions, feel the beer on your lips (see what I did there?), relax and enjoy the game bro.

      2. @slicky

        I went to the blackhawks championship ring ceremony. It was my first game in 18 years too. It did t seem like anything changed. Just cheer for the home team and tip the beer vendor nicely and enjoy the game.

      3. I used to live at the Hartford Civic Center as a kid, going to Whaler games all the time. Been to a couple 'Yotes games out here in AZ as well. It's a good time. Just remember, wear layers. It may be cold at the start of the game, but depending on on many people are in the arena, you may want to be able to take something off to cool down.

        Also, most arenas cut off the beer after the 2nd intermission.

  8. I'll be playing Halo: Reach, trying to get enough of the daily challenges each day to get the weekly challenge this week of completing 16 daily challenges. When they make that one worth 16,000 credits it seems worth it to me. Also playing Pokemon Heart Gold tomorrow while I'm with my fiance's family.

    Mostly doing a lot of homework though, I have a presentation and a book review both due in different classes on Monday. I wish one day when I had a break from school, I really got a break instead of having to do homework the whole time.

    1. Did you get your game code? If so, how do they send it to you. I bought it through the game client, so I don't know how the web-browser version works.

      1. Weird because they've already post that they gave out all the codes… You should try installing the client software and checking for the code through that.

      2. it just showed up where it should have been in the first place. Trying to install now. Should be successful.

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