Binary Thoughts on the Green Lantern Trailer

If you haven’t seen the trailer for the upcoming Green Lantern movie then check it out (embedded above). As a huge fan of the GL comics, I had mix thoughts on the trailer. Let’s break it down binary style.

If you haven’t seen the trailer for the upcoming Green Lantern movie then check it out (embedded above). As a huge fan of the GL comics, I had mix thoughts on the trailer. Let’s break it down binary style.

Good: I loved seeing the supporting characters. I marked out when Abin Sur, Tomar-Re, Sinestro, and Kilowog were on the screen. The aliens look frickin’ awesome and I’m already excited for a sequel with a yellow-ringed Sinestro. It’s also kind of cool that Jango Fett is playing Abin.

Bad: I never liked Hector Hammond. He looks like a nob in the comic books. He absolutely looked like a nob in the trailer. There’s no way to make this character look cool. Peter Sargaard is a fine actor, but I sincerely doubt he can make this character interesting.

Good: Ryan Reynolds looks great as Hal Jordan. When he first started ring slinging, Jordan was young, brash, and reckless. I absolutely get that feel from Reynolds. Perhaps that’s why he snagged Scarlett Johansson….

Bad: I really hate the Green Lantern costume Reynolds wears. The ridges bother me. I said this before, but it’s worth repeating: the costume looks like a green piece of salmon nigiri.

Bad: I’m not digging Blake Lively as Carol Ferris. She’s too damsel-in-distress and doesn’t seem like someone that’s in charge of a large aviation company. Perhaps I’ll change my mind if she appears in a purple bikini in the sequel as Star Sapphire.

My initial vibe is that it’ll be okay, but hardly one of the best superhero movies. As a Green Lantern mark, I’m sure I’m going to enjoy it. Please check out the trailer and let me know what you think!

Author: RPadTV

5 thoughts on “Binary Thoughts on the Green Lantern Trailer”

  1. S.O.B. why did i watch this??? now it will ruin it for me when i see it this weekend.

    grrr 3-D! really?!?!

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