Mel Gibson Out of The Hangover 2, Zack Galifianakis to Blame?

Mel Gibson’s cameo in The Hangover 2 has been scrapped and the buzz is that Zack Galifianakis played the biggest role in booting the beleaguered star. Director Todd Phillips sent out the following statement via Warner Bros.:

I thought Mel would have been great in the movie, and I had the full backing of [Warner Bros president] Jeff Robinov and his team. But I realize filmmaking is a collaborative effort, and this decision ultimately did not have the full support of my entire cast and crew.

In a recent episode of the Comedy Death-Ray podcast, Galifianakis said:

But a movie you’re acting in, you don’t have a lot of control — you just show up and vomit your lines out. I’m not the boss. I’m in a deep protest right now with a movie I’m working on, up in arms about something. But I can’t get the guys to [listen] … I’m not making any leeway.

Numerous Hollywood dirt sheets have reported that Galifianakis was referring to Gibson in the podcast.

Some people think that Gibson is being treated too harshly, saying that he’s not guilty of anything other than being a racist prick that treats women poorly. These people are pointing to the fact that the original movie featured Mike Tyson, a convicted rapist. Others are applauding Galifianakis for taking a stand against a racist prick that treats women poorly. What say you?


Author: RPadTV

5 thoughts on “Mel Gibson Out of The Hangover 2, Zack Galifianakis to Blame?”

  1. yeah if fat jesus did do this to Mel, it's harsh. he hasn't been convicted of anything and even though tyson has it's pretty harsh. someone is definitely on a high horse right now.

  2. This may sound a bit ignorant on my part, but what did Mel Gibson do piss off Zack (and other people, I guess)? I don't really read tabloids or watch TMZ or Access Hollywood or anything like that. I am pretty much ignorant to the personal lives of celebrities since I do my best not to pay attention to stuff like that.

    In fact, the most recent celebrity news that I know of is Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie teaming up to do a reality show about working on a farm or something.


    1. Whoa, you are way way behind if you're making references to Paris and Nicole. They're not really friends anymore.

      Gibson has had a string of outbursts where he said amazingly sexist and anti-semitic things. More recently, there are recordings of him threatening and being misogynistic to his girlfriend. The calls are pretty nuts — death threats, heavy breathing, sexual orders. You should really find them online and give them a listen. It's hard to describe how nuts he is.

      Gibson was dropped by his agency and most of Hollywood is keeping him at a distance. I guess Zack falls into that category.

  3. Wow, seriously? Poor guy must have some pretty deep-rooted issues he needs to come to terms with, I guess. Well, it's not like celebrities going nuts is anything new. I may have to find those videos on YouTube one day, but like I said before, I really don't care much to follow the lives of any celebrities… except for Michio Kaku; that guy is just friggin' AWESOME!

    And yes, I am way behind. Thanks for updating me on Paris and Nicole. I figured they were just going to start 'lezing out like Madonna and Brittney Spears.


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