There are lots of great games shipping this week, spanning a variety of genres. Fans of the beautiful game will be able to enjoy FIFA 11 on every platform known to man. If you’d rather kill zombies than play (international) football then there’s Dead Rising 2
. Gamers that haven’t had their fill of Guitar Hero will want to check out Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock
. Nothing calling out to you yet? How about giant robots?!? Get some mech action going with Front Mission Evolved
. Last, but not least, is an RPG for PS3 gamers: Atelier Rorona
…or as I call it Atelier Reona Rewis.
Any of you picking up new games this week? Kindly let me know what’s on your wish list!
Still waiting for October so I can play medal of honor and the force unleashed 2
possibly going to rent dead rising 2, the demo looked kool.
Hmmmm, Atelier Rorona….that sounds like an NIS America game. *goes off to do research*
Also got a question: I saw somebody on my PSN list playing the demo to the new Castlevania, but I didn't see it on the lists to dl. Does that mean it's for Plus?
@CamiKitten Yes, Plus subscribers and journos have access to the beta at the moment.
Dead Rising 2 doesn't look too bad, I never got around to playing the first one though. I will probably just be doing homework and trying to finish Halo: Reach solo on legendary. Fallout: New Vegas might be one of the next games I will be more interested in really playing, if I can find the time.
And Atelier is a NIS America game. Crap, how did I miss this! I like the earlier Atlier game series. The one for DS was realllllly cute, but kinda bland in gameplay.
I'll have Dead Rising 2 waiting for me tomorrow. Killing zombies rules.
I would love to get Dead Rising 2. I loved the first one and played the hell out of it. There are just so many games that I need to get around to, I don't know when I'll be able to play it. I still have to crack open Bayonetta and Fallout 3, plus, I am really enjoying Halo Reach. I'd like to build up my multiplayer skills back up to snuff in that game. The daily and weekly challenges are an ingenious tactic by Bungie to keep people coming back and playing the different game modes.
Is anyone else getting FIFA? I want to play a few online games with someone I know won't quit or play like an ass so I can do the review.
i could go rent it but i don't want to buy it for a while. i just saw that uncharted 2 goty edition is coming out next month.
@Nightshade386 I was going to get it when it was cheaper, mostly so I can play as my beloved Man City. I suppose I could bug EA for a copy.
@Ray & tokz: Don't go out and buy it just for me. I was just seeing if anyone else was already planning on it.
Honestly, might be a better rental this year from what I've seen so far. Not a lot of big changes, and they really didn't clean up any of the small issues that were already there either. if you're not gonna add something big to a yearly sports title, you should at least clean up the things that could use some work from last year's.
i didn't get last years just because i get tired of them insisting of separating the World Cup tourney from their series, so it was my personal boycott. i've heard good things about 11 but i wanted to rent it first. i have a free rental from blockbuster so it wouldn't inconvenience me one bit.