Pokemon Apokelypse: A Dark, Grim, and Violent Pokemon Fan Film

You must watch this excellent live action Pokemon fan film called Pokemon Apokelypse. It’s a dramatic and dark version of the Pokemon cartoon that’s beloved around the world. Parts of it are campy and parts of it are cool. You’ll giggle as Ash Ketchum says the theme song lyrics, “I want to be the best…like no one ever was,” with grim determination. Team Rocket’s Jesse and James doing their “Prepare for trouble! And make it double!” bit while packing guns is pleasantly twisted. Electrode being used as a car bomb with his “explosion” attack? Awesome!

This might be the best thing I’ve seen all month (outside of my Asia travels) and I can’t wait to get your thoughts on the vid!

Author: RPadTV


10 thoughts on “Pokemon Apokelypse: A Dark, Grim, and Violent Pokemon Fan Film”

  1. it looked pretty kool. it's a little weird seeing Ash with a 5 o clock shadow but it has "WIN" potential.

    1. Whenever it gets made. Unfortunately, it's just a fan-made trailer for a non-existent movie. Even if this thing does get made, I'm sure Nintendo and Game Freak will sue the living pants off of the creators the moment they try to make a nickel off of this thing either directly or indirectly.


  2. This movie looks like the official pokemon manga,In the official manga the pokemon die(Same at this movie ^_^)

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