New games are still thin on the ground (what does that even mean?), but there are a pair of titles that might interest some of you. First up is Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. If old-school RPGs are your thing then you might want to pick up Ys Seven
There’s really not much else aside from these two games…which is just the calm before the storm — from September to November you’ll be flooded with more titles than you can handle! Any of you picking up new games this week?
no new games. i need to finish my back log
No, but I am really surprised that Kane & Lynch warranted a sequel. I heard the first one sucked.
I did, however, download the two Resident Evil 5 episodes yesterday at my wife's insistence of playing with me. So, I'll probably be going through those sometime in the near future.
I really liked the first Kane & Lynch. The controls and camera were kind of crap but it was still a blast to play since you get to play with an actual person sitting next to you. My favorite mission in 1 was when you are in the bank and 1 person has to go to the vault while the other secures the bank and defends it. Splitting up in Co-Op to accomplish the same job….GENIUS. Its been a long while since I played the first one but I am looking forward to picking up the second one (as a rental) tomorrow and giving it a try.
Not picking up anything new yet. I rented some of the Halo 3 map packs so I can hopefully pick up some of the achievements on there in the next couple days, but I would like to get the money to buy something here in the near future (hopefully I might actually sell my car this week/weekend so I will have some money for games then). I wanna finish MW2 before the holiday game rush, but currently am actually struggling to figure out what I want to play/buy.
I'm probably just gonna get DLC.
I need the characters and missions for MUA2 as well as the new DLC for RDR.
Just rented and played Kane & Lynch 2. My eyes no are killing from the massive amounts of camera movement. I had to turn it off after 30 minutes.