Sam Mendes Directing iPhone HD Commercials

In a move that could only be described as “Apple Cool”, Cuppertino’s fruitiest company has nabbed Sam Mendes (American Beauty, Road to Perdition) to direct the launch commercials for the upcoming iPhone. One actor and one actress tweeted about their auditions for the commercial. Engadget added more:

A trusted source has confirmed to us that the ads will feature at least one spot where a mother and daughter are having a video chat conversation using the new front-facing camera that’s been spied on the face of that iPhone floating around Vietnam and Northern California.

Whether you love Apple or hate it (and I think most of you around here love it), it’s just completely cool that the company gets people like Sam Mendes to direct its commercials. That reminds me of this vision I keep having — if I ever win the lottery, I’m getting Alex Ross to paint my house.


Author: RPadTV

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