Iron Man is set to take on the movie world with his repulsor rays and unibeam, but he’s also saving a few blasts for the realm of videogames. Iron Man 2 comes out this week…for pretty much every platform known to man. PSP owners should keep an eye on Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake
; if it’s anything like its PS3 counterpart, it will be a delightfully fun action game that oozes charm. Aside from those two titles, there’s not a lot going on this week.
Any of you buying new games this week? If so, kindly share what’s on your wish list.
Does the Reach (around) beta count? If so I will probably play that some this week. Maybe tonight if I'm lucky and that NM spawns tonight for me on XI.
I saw the review for Fist Full of cake. But I still need to pick up its big brother. I don't know if I'll like it or have time.
The first Iron Man game was enough to keep me from getting or even looking at this one.
@ Slicky;
Everyone deserves a second chance, no? After all, if the first one was so bad, how could this one be any worse, right?
That's so true. Okay well to be honest the first one seemed fun for all of 2 minutes, so if I can enjoy this one for 4 minutes doesn't that make it twice as good?