There’s nothing interesting coming out for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, or Nintendo DS this week. Thankfully, the PlayStation Portable has a pair of releases to end Q1 2010. Japanese RPG fans will want to keep an eye on Mimana: Iyar Chronicle, while horny males will want to check out Dead or Alive Paradise
. Normally, I would skip posting about game releases on a dead week like this one, but any chance to post photos of scantily clad videogame women is tough to pass up.
Are any of you buying new games this week?
@CamiKitten I nominate SoulSilver first. Kratos wouldn't last three seconds against Lugia. Besides, it's a cheaper game with more hours of gameplay. :P
@bsukenyan I haven't opened my copy yet, to be completely honest. Between GDC, Dragon Age, and Final Fantasy XIII, I haven't had the time. I'm probably going to Asia for a shoot in the next few weeks. It'll be my road game.
My perspective on Pokemon is atypical. Although I enjoy the RPG, I've gotten hundreds of hours out of the competitive aspect of the game. Things like EV training, IV breeding, etc. involve a lot of interesting math that fascinates me. SoulSilver gives my army of critters new possibilities.
I've been busy trying to finish Platinum, but Gold/Silver is holding up to the expectation set down by the originals from what I've played. It definitely feels like a newer more improved version than the last three iteration. (and it's a rerelease at that!!?) They took allot of the strong points and reintroduced/refined them. Ironically, they are the gold and silver of this gen. (go figure)
Yeah the math seems pretty cool, but I've just never really gotten into all of that. I do think it's cool how you can use the pokewalker to level up your pokemon during the day. It is more useful for me and my friend being on a college campus. He told me he just loads his pokemon into the walker either the night before or in the morning before he goes to his classes, and then when he gets back home he can trade them out again, etc.
They do seem pretty good, and I have heard that they brought out the good points from the other games, I just haven't had any exposure to them to really see what has been brought through. And on top of that I completely skipped the GBA generation of pokemon. At that point I just got tired of the new pokemon and I thought that that stage of pokemon was REALLY gimmicky. So I just stuck with Red/Blue and Gold/Silver instead. But the Diamond/Pearl generation was too good for me to pass up.
And my brother has Platinum and really likes it.
I skipped the Ruby and Sapphire. Fire Red was to nostalgic to pass up though. As for Soul Silver, it is hard for me not to be biased as it was my favorite game 10 years ago. (I feel old now lol) However, it feels more improved than any of the last (technically) 8 Pokemon games. I don't think you will be disappointed in the Gold/Silver. Plus, Team Rocket is back and we all know they are the sh##. (My pokegear background is the Team Rocket one of course.)
Fire red was pretty awesome, I still rock Leaf Green in my Gameboy. I just wish there was a way to get to the other islands.
I'm really hoping to get another DS sometime soon, maybe over the summer if I am lucky. Then I will catch up on the DS games that I have missed so far, and HeartGold or SoulSilver might definitely be on that list somewhere. They do look like tempting games, but my xbox might take a hit in how much time I spend on there, lol.
yeah i’m out. i need the break. I’m just getting into God of War 3. Wrestlemania took a big chunk of my playing time Sunday.
Uh. I don’t need to spend money on games with moving day looming in on me, but I still need to pick up GoW3 and Soul Silver haha.
Lost Planet 2 will probably be my last buy for Q1 and 2. Good thing too since I had have to pay the Dr now.
What do you think about soulsilver compared to the other pokemon games? I have a friend who plays it and uses the pokewalker all the time and really likes the game, but I haven’t gotten to play a pokemon game since diamond version.
Prepare for trouble!