Coffee Talk #107: Stereoscopic 3D Gaming Revisited

Despite what some outlets have reported, I didn’t spend my “entire” time at GDC 2010 snooping for Nintendo information. One of the coolest things I saw at the show was stereoscopic 3D gaming on the PlayStation 3. This was a big deal at CES 2010, but I didn’t attend that show so I couldn’t experience it for myself. After seeing a few PlayStation 3 games in 3D, I must say that the tech is really cool and adds a new kind of fun.

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin on Monday Night Raw, Tiger Woods returning to golf at The Masters, or Agassi vs. Sampras, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Despite what some outlets have reported, I didn’t spend my “entire” time at GDC 2010 snooping for Nintendo information. One of the coolest things I saw at the show was stereoscopic 3D gaming on the PlayStation 3. This was a big deal at CES 2010, but I didn’t attend that show so I couldn’t experience it for myself. After seeing a few PlayStation 3 games in 3D, I must say that the tech is really cool and adds a new kind of fun.

That said, I still have a lot of concerns about stereoscopic 3D gaming. RPadholic Smartguy pointed out that gamers that wear glasses might find it uncomfortable. I’m concerned about the additional weight on my head and a different type of eye strain limiting my playing sessions. It was totally fine for a few minutes MLB: The Show, but will I be able to pull off FFXIII or Dragon Age sessions with the 3D glasses?

Sony is going full-on with its stereoscopic 3D blitz (interesting story about that…later), but I wanted to see how you felt about this trend. Are you down with 3D gaming? Do you think 3D is the real deal? Or is it a fad that will get buried in a few years?

Author: RPadTV

32 thoughts on “Coffee Talk #107: Stereoscopic 3D Gaming Revisited”

  1. I would be interested but they need to find a way where people with glasses are able to play comfortably. Hmmm, I wonder….have flip down 3-D glasses been invented? If not patent pending!


    I found that the WWE show was better but still not a great show. It was still light years ahead of TNA, which is trying to sell me Abyss as a main eventer. @Rpad where is Black Machismo and Consequences Creed, I haven't heard anything from them or about them, especially with Destination X this Sunday, i thought i would've seen or heard from them yesterday. Also, that Hall and Nash match was pretty pathetic. Hall shouldn't wrestle ever again.

    @Tiger Woods at Masters

    I hear that's it also going to be broacast in 3-D.

  2. For people like me 3D games are a waste of money. Don't get me wrong it seems really cool but damn technology industry let a brother get blu ray first! Now I love me some technology but I feel like we (middle class consumers) can't even enjoy the things we purchase because something better is always coming out next week. Its to early to tell but I think that 3D gaming will become a niche market within a niche market ( HD-3D gaming market) because PS2s are still selling like hotcakes.

    @ All…any civilized rebuttals?

  3. @Big Blak

    I see your point but the movie/video game industry isn't looking into what we can't afford, they're looking to what they can sell us next or what the next wave of technology will be. We have the popularity of IMAX/3-D movies to blame for this. Which is why Sony/MS is selling us motion controls now. By the time 3-d games/broadcast/movies are the norm we should barely be able to pony up for a 3-D tv. I wish i could get one now to watch the World Cup in 3-D.

  4. @slicky

    Crap! I'll have to come up with a different one. Maybe, i'll spray paint it purple, this way you don't have to worry about the blue and red color making you sick after a while.

  5. I welcome 3D gaming. The only problem I see is the price of the tvs. I know I can't afford a 3,000 tv right now. I do think 3D gaming would be cool if I had the tv.


    Agreed on the WWE/TNA comment. Scott Hall looked pathetic in the ring. Abyss is a joke. These Monday night wars won't last too long because all TNA can do to compete is force old, wash up, fat, out of shape, WWE rejects. I like TNA but I liked them much better before they decided to compete with the WWE because the let the young guys wrestle and you saw good matches but not so much now. The focus is on the old washed up has beens.

  6. @Big Blak: Thanks for the feedback! Glad you enjoyed it. I work from home some days so I get to slack a little more than most. lol. I actually wrote that last night was was just waiting for one of my fellow contributors to edit it for me so that I could post it this morning.

    That being said, it's fair to say that MLB'10: The Show is the better all baseball game this year. So if you've got a PS3 and are interested in trying out a Baseball game this year, I'd recommend that one over MLB 2K10. But at least it seems like 2K is finally on the right track.

  7. @RROD

    Thank you for agreeing. I wish I wouldn't have watched them both though. I could've played more BF:BC2 instead of watching the lack of entertainment from both shows?


    I was pretty excited to see Gorgeous George too and now we finally get to add Stu Hart. They should've done a combo with Stu and Owen. Owen needs his spot in there too.

  8. Picked up GOWIII last night. The first 30 minutes of the game is better than most full games. The game is truly breathtaking. Well done Sony Santa Monica.

  9. @Big 3Lak

    They push advances like this quicker and quicker in order to deter pirating their materials. It's a rather odd way of imposing "drm" lol. Seriously…an HD DVD or BluRay is quite large in comparison to a dvd9, so it's not so easy to download. I think it is one of the tertiary reasons that ISPs are moving towards caps. Caps on their own will help deter pirating and they hope to avoid any kind of entertainment industry regulations imposed by Congressional statute.

    @Topic specifically

    Ray stole my thunder! I still hold by what I said the other day on the matter. Until I get a holodeck…I'm not interested. Though I'm sure I'll spend much more time with (fill in blank) rather than games lol.

  10. @RRODisHERE

    Yo whats up? N8R told me about last week so I've been a whore for this site since then lol.

  11. I'm sorry, but I'm happy with what we already have until we get games like the ones in .hack// Invent those and I will likely starve to death playing video games.

  12. @ tokz

    I knew Stu would get in when they first started talking about it. During the contract signing last night when Vince said "Every member of the Hart family that has stepped in this ring was a derelict and a degenerate" (or something like that), my first thought was that Vince accidentally meant Owen as well.

    @ RROD

    Adrian Adonis was almost a carbon copy of Gorgeous George.

    @ R Pad

    Yeah, I just figured that was obvious. I was also trying to stick to wrestlers since the impact of his presence is like 40% (at least) of what wrestling has become.

  13. @n8r

    when vince was saying that it made me think of Owen and when his time was coming.

    It also made me think of another owen. Owen Wilson as hansel saying "you can derlicte my balls capitan".

  14. @everyone

    im sorry i havent been on lately, my gf's grandmother is very sick and ive had to take a few weeks off work and travel to upstate new york. Just want everyone to know that im not dead yet and ill be back to full duty sooner than later. Go bills.

  15. I was just recently required to get glasses (line 5 at the DPS doesn’t exist). I haven’t yet tried out wearing glasses over my glasses but I assume this wouldn’t be something that will work out for me. Unless of course they make prescription 3-D glasses.

  16. @slicky
    I should get our production department at work started on this. Just so you don’t beat me to the patent office.

  17. @Tokz

    I just went out and spray painted my clip-on sun glass lens with Krylon in blue and red. so Prototype…Check. lol

  18. @nightshade386

    Read some of the review ( @ work cant slack to much lol) and I must say that story about your son def set the tone. Posting here and reading posts is making me want to step up my writing skills. As for the review so far so good although Im not a sports game fan it kind of made me want to play, job well done sir, well done.

  19. @Thundercracker

    Life happens man. Best wishes and prayers for your extended family.

    Geaux Saints

  20. @ WWE

    I was real impressed to see that Gorgeous George is getting inducted to the HOF. He truly is deserving to say the least. Without Gorgeous George, there may not have ever been a Ric Flair, Golddust, or even Macho man.

    Gorgeous George was also my mom’s favorite wrestler.

  21. @Nightshade

    “This year”? What year was The Show not the better baseball game, lol.

  22. I am hoping that 3d gaming is a fad that will go away soon. I have never once been impressed 3d anything, and the glasses are annoying to wear for a sub-par experience. I have not seen any games in 3d, so perhaps there is something magical about 3d games that is not so magical about 3d movies…but I doubt it right now.

  23. @ R Pad

    Also, I thought of a good Coffee talk topic for a day when you can’t think of one. “Video Game Cliches” like doors that are really just part of the background that don’t lead to any actual rooms to go in, the fact that if there’s a waterfall in the game, odds are something is hidden behind it, etc.

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