Today’s Poll: Do You Care About 3D Gaming?

3D televisions are getting a ton of coverage at CES 2010 and a lot of companies are using games to demo the new models. The reactions have been all over the place. Mainstream outlets are all over it — it actually weirded me out to see CES coverage on The Rachel Maddow Show — while enthusiast-gamer outlets are downplaying the trend.

A few of you mentioned that you aren’t big on 3D gaming, but I wanted to make it more formal and start a poll/discussion about the topic. As for me, I’m clearly in the “who gives a crap?” category when it comes to 3D gaming.

[poll id=”18″]

Author: RPadTV

14 thoughts on “Today’s Poll: Do You Care About 3D Gaming?”

  1. I don't want to wear those inane, migraine-inducing glasses for hours on end just to create the illusion that bullets are flying in my face.

    Besides, I feel that most developers will just use this technology lazily while jacking up the price of their games. I'm looking at you, waggling, motion-controlling Nintendo!


  2. @Raymond Padilla

    I've played motion control games that were fun too, but then next week comes and they're not fun anymore. To me motion control games are nothing more than a novelty. I've never played games in 3D so I'm interested in giving it a try.

  3. I'm not interested in buying another TV at this time. If the cost of 3D gaming becomes reasonable and I for some reason or another need a new TV, I'll consider it. But it's not a priority for me by any stretch.

  4. I see this as nothing but a way to jack up prices all around and as a backhanded way to prevent piracy.

  5. not in the least bit, watching Avatar in 3D was enough 3D for all of 2009. I'm curious to the long term affect on the eyes from prolonged exposure to 3D

  6. Could not care less about stereoscopic 3D.

    Give me high quality fully 3D hologram projection and I'll be all for it. Til then, no thanks.

  7. If it is anything like the movies I have seen in 3d, then it is definitely a gimmick and a little cool for tge first fifteen minutes, but it gets old after that and is not worth the hassle.

  8. Games are already 3D…. Also, I thought the point of OLED TVs was that you could stack them on top of each other and make 3D images that way. Does the industry have a 3D glasses fetish now or something?

  9. I just don't see the point of 3D gaming at home I guess. I certainly don't want to wear the glasses, and most games are pretty immersive already if the controls are tight and the story good.

    @Side Notes –

    @Ray – nice new Logo at the top. I like the movement. Also, I really enjoyed that FFXIII article you tweeted this weekend. He brought up a really nice set of points as far as RPGs go and what Square has always done. In a weird way now, I am even more excited to see the polished experience that Square is getting ready to put out.

  10. Not the least bit interested in this 3d crap. I like my games and my tv how they are right now. I just wouldn't be able to stand the jacked up prices of everything too.

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