Heavy Rain “Four Days” Online Game Details

Can’t wait for Heavy Rain for Sony PlayStation 3? I’m sure a lot of you are in that boat (me too!). To help market the game and add some hype, Sony has launched the Heavy Rain: Four Days online game to help tide you over until its release. Sony Computer Entertainment of America product marketing manager Jefferson Dong (aka “The Donger”) served up some details on Four Days Challenge:

You can experience “Four Days”: The Heavy Rain Online Experience, a live online mystery that plays out in real time across three weeks, drawing you into the mystery and lore of the Heavy Rain universe. Between Tuesday and Friday every week there will be daily tasks for you to complete (leaving you the weekend to catch up if you fall behind). Each task will lead you to the next part of the journey. At certain key stages you will be prompted, while on other occasions you will need to deduce the right thing to do.

I like that publishers are using online games to create excitement for console games. EA and BioWare did a fine job with Dragon Age: Journeys, though that title offered items that could be imported into the main game. With the wizardry of HTML 5, I’m sure these online games will get even cooler in the future.

Any of you going to give Four Days a spin?


Author: RPadTV


8 thoughts on “Heavy Rain “Four Days” Online Game Details”

  1. I haven't gotten into the pre-gmae games online before like with Fable 2 or Dragon Age, but I will probably give this a shot since I really am excited for the game.

    I was reading a preview of how Heavy Rain played out and how your actions changed the entire game for better or worse and I started to get a bit of anxiety. Crazy huh?

  2. I registered and went through the first one, I feel a little confused but I wrote down what I learned, I think I need to rearrange the letters in to something

  3. @Rpad

    You just made everyone in my office look over at me. I literally just laugh out loud.

  4. Frick I registered yesterday, and meant to go home after work and start it. But Assassin's Creed 2 sucked me in and I lost track of time. And now I'm part sheep as I joined the Facebook flock….But I found out Facebook has a "official page" so you can brainstorm with other fans. *shrug*

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