Japanese God of War Collection Trailer Shows PS2 vs. PS3

This nifty God of War Collection video from Japan shows footage of the same scenes on the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3. Plus, it’s always fun to look at this excellent series…especially in a foreign language. It’s like watching The Three Stooges in French — it’s just a whole other kind of brilliant.


Author: RPadTV


5 thoughts on “Japanese God of War Collection Trailer Shows PS2 vs. PS3”

  1. I could tell a slight difference on the side by side. the the PS3 side seemed to be sharper and slightly more detailed.

  2. I could tell a difference at home, but not on this video really. When I played the PlayStation & PS2 versions God of War 1&2 in my PS3 there was less of a difference than when played on the original consoles. The PS3 does a great job of making older games look a little better anyways, but I bought the collection in case something happens to my Launch PS3 Fat (also I wanted the trophies)

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