Today’s Poll: What Will You Play the Most in 2010?

Any guesses as to which gaming system you’ll use the most in 2010? Will new PS3 owners going to put major miles on their new consoles? Are Xbox 360 loyalists sticking with their systems? Maybe mobile is the way forward with the PSP, DS, and iPhone. Please vote when you get a chance!

[poll id=”16″]

Author: RPadTV

33 thoughts on “Today’s Poll: What Will You Play the Most in 2010?”

  1. i voted for the ps3 cause heavy rain and god of war 3 are gonna be fun games to play

  2. I voted PS3 because it's the console with games coming out that I actually want to play, but technically I'll probably be using my PC most, as usual.

  3. i voted for xbox 360, because of splinter cell, mass effect 2, alan wake, rage, and bayonetta, and ill be buying a lot of games for it to match my ps3 library.


    im still getting god of war 3, heavy rain, the last guardian, brink, dead space 2, and final fantasy 13 for ps3 though.

  4. I vote PS3 because of God of War III, Heavy Rain, Gran Turismo 5, The Last Guardian, MAG, and Yakuza 3. And because I don't have an Xbox.

  5. PS3 Games:

    God Of War III

    Gran Turismo 5

    The Last Guardian



    Dante's Inferno

    Fallout: New Vegas

    Dead Rising 2

    BioShock 2

    Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow

    Megaman 10

    ModNation Racers

    PC Games:

    Natural Selection 2

    Dawn Of War II: Chaos Rising

    Supreme Commander 2

    Diablo 3 (PLEASE!?!?!?!?!)

    I think the only other game I want this year (that I know of) is Mario Galaxy 2.

    I'm gonna be sooooo poor….

  6. If Starcraft 2 hits, then my Mac. (damn you for not having the Mac option!)

    Otherwise it will be my xbox by virtue of multiplayer games. I'll only play God of War 3 once just like the others, so it won't add any real time.

  7. Man….I couldn't care less about Starcraft 2. Not only is it the same game as Starcraft except 3D, but they also want you to buy it 3 times….. WTF Blizzard? We waited more than a decade for this?

  8. Xbox 360 for sure is my vote, I'm hoping to log a LOT of hours on Rage once that comes out. Along with a lot of other smaller games that I'm sure I will play that haven't really been marketed yet.

  9. The stars are alligned and this will be the year that I finally buy the PS3 since I am planning to put together my most awesome home theater set up at my new house. I am looking forward to Heavy Rain. Also, Halo; Reach-around… because I feel that's what it's going to do to me.

    I'm also looking forward to the games of last year and the year before that I didn't get to play.


  10. @iceman. That's what I feel too, I have some catching up to do myself and I did not get any chance to start on that pile of games over break like I had hoped. Well now o can look forward to putting off homework for the first couple weeks of the semester to help catch up.

  11. @bsukenyan;

    At the risk of sounding like an anal retentive parent; do your homework and make sure you don't slack off for your upcoming semester. Trust me, you'll have plenty of time to play games once you graduate and do nothing for the months (or years) that follow.


  12. I voted 360 because splinter cell, mass effect 2, fable 3, crackdown 2, Alan wake, and halo reach are all going to be awesome! PS3 also has a hell of a line up.

  13. I put other because my PC is looking to get the most use with all the MMOs and Dragon Age I'm going to play this year. To be honest though, my 360 could easily get more time in though. Mass Effect 3, Fable 3, and Halo: Reach are going to steal a lot of my time this year. Plus, I'm sure my friends won't put down MW2 anytime soon.

  14. Both consoles have a pretty stellar lineup this year. But I'll be playing most of the multiplatform games on my 360 because I prefer the controller, the dashboard and the achievement system to what the PS3 offers.

  15. Fallout New Vegas, IF it gets released. OR The Elder Scrolls V IF that gets released. otherwise, most likely borderlands when I get it. Dragon Age will be for the mac, JUST for the mods people will make.

  16. @iceman. That will probably be true, who knows how many jobs wil be available in my field when I graduate, still though I'd like to tackle some games before they get too old to admit that I still haven't played, lol.

  17. @ Iceman

    I hope you got some REALLY good shots of the Steelers victory celebration… you'll need them for your avatar this month.

  18. @N8R;

    I stopped taking pictures after Shula's Birthday celebration and Pat White being wheeled out of the stadium on a stretcher. Ok, smart ass, you win. Point me to the picture you want… or should I just get a generic logo?


    Would you believe that I still have Final Fantasy 12 (limited edition) still in the wrapper? I wanted to play all of the Final Fantasy games (1-10) all the way through before I got to 12, but I kind of petered out at 8 (aka; the "summonfest" FF). There is only so much JRPG I can take before I try for the world's record in the category of having no life.


    I haven't been on XBL since I got married two years ago. (Yeah, marriage will do that to you). No, seriously, long story short; I'm in a temporary apartment and I thought I wasn't going to be here a long time, so I never signed up for internet service. Mooching off my neighbors spotty connection is good enough for internet (but not XBL). Stupid morons have their passwords as "12345" or sometimes the same as the network name. I'll be moving into my new home in about a month or two and I will get back online legitimately then. If you want to go ahead and add me in the meantime, my name on XBL is "Silicon Iceman".


  19. @iceman. I'm not so much into the rpg's, but yeah you can only take so much of any one genre. Even still fps is my favorite, and I haven't even had time to play gears of war, crackdown, fear, half life (I really wanna play the orange box). There just is not enough time on the day!!

  20. @Iceman – I saw Pat White get wheeled off, but wtf happenned to Chad? All I know is I come home from the movies (wife wanted to see Princess and the Frog…) and suddenly some dude named Thigpen is throwing the ball.

    @Starcraft 2

    1. To Koreans this is like the second coming. Prepare for your internets to not work, because all your bandwidth belongs to them.

    2. As for us buying the game three times, trust in Blizzard. They haven't let anyone down and they deserve the benefit of the doubt. If they want three seperate purchases, while my head says that we may be taken for a ride, the gamer inside that head simply asks for patience.

    @Topic – my PS3. Console of choice as it's mine rather then my roommate's. Plus I love the Dual Shock.

  21. My PS3 will definitely get some love this year with GoW3, Heavy Rain, and MAG. But I'm going to put more time in to Mass Effect 2 alone than any of those combined I imagine. Also, I'm looking forward to Reach, Bioshock 2, Splinter Cell, and much much more. Since I play all third party games on the 360 I had to give MS my vote this year. Maybe next year that will change.

  22. Oh god I voted ps3 b/c I don't have an Xbox. And I hate that Splinter Cell conviction doesn't come to ps3…. just irks me to no end. But so far this year I want:

    Castlevania: Lord of Shadows


    Heavy Rain


    The Last Guardian

    White Knight Chronicles

    (still holding out for Tales of Vesperia ps3 version)

    FFXIV Online (yay!)

    God of War III

    Dante's Inferno

    And for the Wii I'm hoping for Metroid: Other M

  23. @N8R;

    Standard logos are no fun. I found three interesting ones that I will have on display for the next three weeks. (I trust that will satisfy my end of the bargain?) If you object to anyone, I will find a replacement. This is of course the first one.


    Let me help you out with that list- Orange Box first. The rest can wait. Portal is one of my favorite games of all time. I liked Gears 1, but it's more fun when playing with a friend. I did not like F.E.A.R. at all. I wouldn't say it sucked outright, but it felt cheap and generic in many ways. It didn't scare me in the least, either. Crackdown is an enjoyable game, but if you are a completionist, you will be pulling your hairs out trying to collect all those damn green orbs.


    Yeah, we were down to our FOURTH string QB, Thigpen. He actually did pretty well on his first drive. I guess he caught the Steelers off guard at first. QB#1 Pennington was out at the beginning of the year during the first game. QB#2 Henne was out because of a hurt shoulder halfway through the game. QB#3 Pat White got knocked the &#@% out and probably has a nasty concussion, but I heard on the radio that he will be recovering… I hope. So, QB#4 Thigpen was in for the last quarter and if it were not for those two interceptions, it may have been a great comeback Cinderella story.


  24. @iceman. Thanks, I really want to get the orange box soon anyways, but I'm glad to gear it recomended too, it makes me more comfortable with the purchase. I forgot some other games I need to play soon are bioshock, mass effect, and crysis. One reason being I don't like playing (or watching) sequels until I've seen the first. Gears is about the only exception I can think of, and I wanna play gears 1 mostly for the story and partially for the achievements.

  25. @nightshade. Thanks, I need to play all of those games, and plenty more too, it's just harder for me to find time to get to sone of the great games that are out there.

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