PSA: BlackBerry Internet Service is Down

RayBerry 9000

Attention BlackBerry users — Research in Motion is experiencing a major BlackBerry Internet Service outage. Email has been out for millions of people in America and Canada. RIM has acknowledged the issue and is working on fixing it.

It’s totally freaking me out that my RayBerry 9000 isn’t going off every 30 seconds. For a while, I thought the world forgot about me.

Btw, one of the reasons I want the Google Nexus One is so I don’t have to walk around with this ridiculous cover on my BlackBerry. Then again, it’s kind of funny.

Author: RPadTV

5 thoughts on “PSA: BlackBerry Internet Service is Down”

  1. Shhh… do not speak of the site which shall not be named, lest we invite the curses of flaming and fanboyisim.


  2. I was thinking the same thing, although I think the "other guys" would frown upon such an act (especially if it repeated) and I am not one to stir up bad blood… on their side anyway.


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