What Are You Playing This Weekend?

A lot of gaming’s best and brightest will be in Los Angeles this weekend for the Spike TV Videogame Awards (VGAs). If my leg can hack it, I’m going to be hopping around town, pestering some of my favorite developers. Even if I’m not, I’ve designated a bunch of time for Scribblenauts. I’m totally fascinated by this game. It’s as fun and imaginative as the player lets it be. Having said that, there were a bunch of times when I was wondering how much fun Scribblenauts would be to stupid people with limited vocabularies.

Scribblenauts slider

Of course I’m going to have to get some more Dragon Age: Origins time in too. It’s my fifth go round with the game and I’m still enjoying it. Off the top of my head, BioWare, Game Freak, and Square Enix are the only companies that make games that I enjoy several times over. That’s pretty remarkable.

As always, I want to know what you’re playing this weekend. Shout it out! Or maybe don’t shout…the neighbors might complain.

Author: RPadTV


20 thoughts on “What Are You Playing This Weekend?”

  1. I got Scribblenauts for my son for Christmas (don't tell him). I can't wait to "help" him with it.

    I'll probably be messing with Gay Tony still, jump in 1 vs 100 if I get on in time. Other than that, I might be playing guesshermuff.

  2. @Ray – Scribblenauts is an weird enigma. The vocab/wordplay is by far the best portion of the game, and you will be really happy with some of the imaginative decisions you make. The movement of poor little rooster hat kid is "rage quit" inducing. If I were you… I would do the puzzle levels first, and then do the action levels, that way you get the most out of the game before you jab your stylus through your eye.

  3. Probably finishing up Lego Indy 2 (if it'll stop crashing on me) since I have a review to write, maybe playing some Mini Ninjas (although it's kinda just been sitting here from Gamefly without me really playing it much), and most likely finishing up my 3rd playthrough of Dragon Age (just have to finish up Orzammar and then off to the Landsmeet).

  4. Dragon Age.. I can't seem to get enough. My only achievements left are the Traveler (which I think I've figured out what I missed) and a few of the romances. I'm figuring out Leliana is the hardest to get

  5. I rented MW2 last night, so I'll play through the SP campaign. I also go the new SceneIt for PS3. Other than that, now that school is out, I'll be finishing my second play through of R&C Crack in Time to upgrade everything to lvl 10, and pick Uncharted 2 back up to finish on Hard and maybe some MP. I still need to pick Demon's Souls back up too. Just overwhelmed with option this weekend, because I also have movies to catch up on.

  6. I am going to try to finish Nights of the Nine and Shivering Isles this weekend. I have Fallout 3 in the queue still unwrapped and wating to be played, but quite honestly, I am exhausted from such an epic RPG, that I don't think I can muster another one consecutively. I need some fast, hard action or shooter or something to get my blood pumping again.

    So that is where I ask you, dear audience; Pick my next game! The only 2009 game I've played is RE5 (because of the co-op with my wife). Before that it was GTA4 and Bioshock. So please recommend me a game to play next that is the opposite of a long, drawn-out epic RPG. I leave my next game at the mercy of the mob.


  7. I will be playing Dragon Age and Mass Effect. Still haven't beat the game with a Renegade character yet so I need to set that up for Mass Effect 2.

  8. Belay my previous post @ #3. I just beat Lego Indy 2 and sent it back to Gamefly. I also sent back Mini Ninjas since I wasn't playing it at all. Hopefully I get Saboteur next.

  9. @Shockwave: The one achievement I can't figure out is Heavy Hitter. I've done full Rogue and Mage playthroughs and didn't get it. I'm not doing my Warrior playthrough and I don't think I'm gonna get it this time through either.

  10. @Nightshade386 It's actually hardest with a warrior. It's cake for a mage or a rogue. Use mana clash with a mage or arrow of slaying with a rogue. For a warrior, you need use a two-handed sword with the berserker's final blow and even then it's pretty tough.

  11. @Ray: It just so happens I'm a Beserker with Final Blow this time around who happens to specialize in the two handed sword, and I have Starfang. I'm still only level 16ish though, which is why I'm probably not coming that close to getting it.

    When I played my Rogue, was the off tank melee/backstab character, so my archery wasn't so hot. I'd have to go back and see which spells my Mage has. But I tended to be the ranged area attack character.

  12. @Ray: I have 50+ Strength already. I guess I just have to keep plugging points in there and see what happens. If not, my next character will be a Dalish Elf/Rogue/Archer type.

  13. @rpad

    are you going to cahuenga tomorrow? not cahuenga pass. cahuenga blvd. theres gonna be a laystation meetup and viewing party with the ps bloggers and naughty dog devs.

  14. Since I forgot to post in this on Friday, I mostly played Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes for the DS and rerolling a char for Morrowind. My ps3 is in the air as we speak on it's way to the repair facility yay!

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