Rumors of the iPhone heading to Verizon have been swirling for months, but most of them pointed to the carrier getting an LTE version of Apple’s hardware. According to Northeast Securities, that’s not the case. GigaOm has reported:
According to Northeast Securities, the device may finally arrive next year. Citing its supply-chain checks, the financial services firm said in a research note issued today that Apple will launch a WCDMA/CDMA2000-enabled version of the device — not an LTE version — through Verizon by the summer of 2010.
Whether it’s CDMA or LTE, getting the iPhone would be huge for Verizon. I’d jump at the chance to get an LTE iPhone, but a CDMA iPhone is a serious contender. Of course I’m still waiting for T-Mobile to release an Android phone with a beefy processor, an OLED screen, UMA functionality, and a great keyboard…but something tells me that I’ll be waiting for a long, long time.
Any Verizon customers out there excited by this news? Would any of you switch to Verizon to get an iPhone on its excellent network?
I am considering ditching AT&T for Verizon just to get the Droid. I can't stand the popularity of the iPhone (also didn't like it when I owned it) and my Blackberry Bold doesn't have good internet functionality, and the newest WinMo 6.5 phone from HTC locks up with some regularity. So I am looking to get something thats new and different.
But it's a Motorola.
I think T-Mobil gets the Iphone next in the US. From Apple's standpoint it is cheaper to do, and T-Mobil unlike ATT is very quickly upgrading its network. That in of itself should be very telling.
I gotta get one of these:…
@ Smartguy
You need one of those as well to go with your NV goggles.
LOL, those are great. I'll have to look for a cheap chinese knock-off.
@N8R – that is sick
I would love to get an iPhone on Verizon. That's the only company I would switch to who gets the iPhone. ATT sucks but they are second best
Nvidia has Android listed as one of the OSs of the phones being made with their Tegra processors.