Henry Rollins, Roddy Piper in Green Lantern: Emerald Knights

In my review of All-Star Superman, I mentioned that the disc comes with a teaser feature on Green Lantern: Emerald Knights. Nathan Fillion takes the lead role as Hal Jordan. He’ll be accompanied by rocker/author Henry Rollins and WWE legend “Rowdy” Roddy Piper.

I’m super psyched to hear Rollins as Kilowog. Once described by a thick Russian woman as “a most interesting warthog creature”, Kilowog has trained thousands of Green Lantern Corps members. While Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardner, and Kyle Rayner have all the big adventures, a lot of readers view Kilowog as the backbone of the Corps. It was fun listening to Rollins talk about the character — he totally gets it and it looks he’ll do a knockout job.

Sadly, The Hot Rod was not in the feature. Who do you think he’ll play? Are any of psyched for Henry Rollins as Kilowog? On a related note, wouldn’t Nathan Fillion make a better Nathan Drake than Mark Wahlberg?

Author: RPadTV


15 thoughts on “Henry Rollins, Roddy Piper in Green Lantern: Emerald Knights”

  1. I don't know much about The Green Lantern mythos and corps, but I do know about Henry Rollins. That guys is f'n awesome. I had a chance to see him on stage doing his spoken word bit when he came and did a show on our campus years ago.

    The guy is really entertaining.


      1. No way in hell! Although I know next to nothing about the Green Lantern Corps., I'm fairly certain the X-Men would kick those day-glow ring-wearing pansies into the next century.

        I mean, c'mon- it looks like they got those things from inside a box of Lucky Charms. "Oh, look at me; I can color-coordinate spandex with other funny-looking aliens that can make glow-y things out of a magic lamp hidden in my shiny ring." Really, man, it sounds like something out of an Arabian fairytale than a sci-fi epic.


      2. Well, if that's true, the only challenge for Mogo would be Krakoa (maybe), or better yet, they could just call the Fantastic Four to see if Galactus is hungry and point him in Mogo's direction.

        And even though it's not in the same universe, it would be cool if you could get Unicron in on that fight, too.


    1. I was gonna change the lyrics of "My War" to "Ring War"… but I didn't think anyone would get it… except for you.

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