Coffee Talk #474: Apple Should Buy…

One of my favorite recurring RPadholic jokes is, “Google should buy…” No matter what the topic or how serious the conversation, I can always count on someone like RPadholic N8R to say that Google should buy this or that. During Apple’s last earnings call, CFO Peter Oppenheimer mentioned that the company has…

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, the awesome leg room in seat 9B, the New York Knicks battle against evil fire extinguishers, or Mister Softee, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

One of my favorite recurring RPadholic jokes is, “Google should buy…” No matter what the topic or how serious the conversation, I can always count on someone like RPadholic N8R to say that Google should buy this or that. During Apple’s last earnings call, CFO Peter Oppenheimer mentioned that the company has around $110-billion. This has caused many pundits to suggest that Apple should buy many things.

The most common call is for Apple to buy a social network. In the last week, I’ve read several articles on the merits of Apple purchasing FourSquare and/or Twitter. Others believe that mobile payments are the future and that Apple should buy Square. Some are calling for Apple to either buy a mobile network or set up an MVNO. Over at Slide To Play, I asked the cats over there if Apple should buy its own game studio. What do you think Apple should do?

Apple has a chance to shake up multiple businesses with all the cash at its disposal. It has an opportunity to make major changes, transforming things forever and for better. Or it could just stick to its core competencies with consumer electronics, expanding in more predictable and conservative ways. What, if anything, do you think Apple should buy?

Kevin Dent Says Why Seamus Blackley Will Fail

Welcome to the debut of “Kevin Dent Says”, a new recurring column on RPad.TV written by one of the sharpest minds in the business. In his first column, gaming industry veteran Kevin Dent talks about why Xbox co-creator Seamus Blackey’s new studio, Innovative Leisure, doesn’t “get it” and will likely fail…

Kevin Dent is a 13-year veteran from the digital videogames space. After working on virtually every platform, Kevin set up Tiswaz Entertainment to help start-ups, publishers, and investors reach their goals by leveraging his experience and network. He currently heads up the IGDA Mobile Special Interest Group. The views and opinions expressed in this column do not necessarily reflect those of RPad.TV.

I work in an industry where I admire a lot of people, I am amazingly fortunate to work in an industry that is also incredibly talented. I like that.

The stronger my colleagues are, the stronger it makes me want to climb faster and harder.

There is no greater example of that then the mobile gaming business. 14 years ago I started in this space. At the beginning the games were terrible due to the devices limitations and the way the carriers were assholes.

I was on a panel last year with a person from the carrier business and they were trying to defend their past indiscretions. 13 years of abuse was boxed in my soul and I basically let that person have it. It was grossly unfair, but I had ton of games that would have been profitable if it was not for the fact that unless I supported 1,300 devices that were basically shit and my games would never make it to the store.

The obvious solution was to not make any games, but the solution was also a problem. I REALLY enjoy making games, playing games, reading about games, etc. For me it was a life choice.

At the end of the panel three old-schoolers came to me, applauded me, and told me that my rant was fantastic. In terms of loyalty to the platform that I loved it was pretty amazing. Every compliment rained down on me like a blow.

I was just taking cheap shots. It was infantile.

That said, the person has become a good friend since and I have started to help them a lot, but as I have told them, it is a tough gig. There is just one platform today and that is iOS.

OK, sorry for the long lead in….

So my point is, is that mobile is hard; it is basically like the best heart surgeon in the world and saying “dude, gonna move to brain surgery”…. Is it possible? Sure, but it is a totally different skillset. It is not even the same sport.

The same can be said about moving from console, coin-op, PC or handheld; they are not really the same sports.

So when Xbox co-creator Seamus Blackley started his new studio, I looked at the lineup and felt two things:

  1. OMFG these guys are legends.
  2. OMFG these guys have no clue what they are doing.

To be clear, the team that Seamus has around him is basically legends. They literally invented the arcade machine and probably own 20 percent of my youth in terms of the money I poured into those devices.

I am utterly convinced that these guys are owed respect on such a monumental level that it isn’t even quantifiable.

With that said, I think they owe respect to gamers more than I owe my respect to them. After all, that is who I ultimately work for. The people that do the jobs that suck, the people that don’t buy the branded soda so that they can afford the game that is coming out that month. I am so humbled by those people so profoundly I do not have the words to describe it.

I think that making games is about making something that you are passionate about. Making games is about something that you are willing to put your dream in a box or on a storefront and asking another person to like it; it is the essence of vulnerability. I never feel more empowered than when I am simultaneously vulnerable and empowered at the same time.

To that point, I do not feel empowered by Blackley’s Innovative Leisure studio. I feel that this studio was a great press release.

Creating a mobile game is nowhere near like creating a console or for that matter a console game. It is essentially creating a testosterone aura that is perhaps not deserved.

There are studios springing up all over the place right now; the one I am most interested in is Industrial Toys (Disclosure: I have no financial or emotional interest in their success or otherwise). I have however spoken to the guys and they seem to actually “get it”.

I have read — I think — all of Seamus’s interviews and I do not believe that he gets this new world order. I think he believes that he can trade on his name alone. From a business perspective, that is not an absurd theory. However, it is just a theory at this stage.

I really want Seamus and Co to succeed. I just do not think that they will.

Google Project Glass = Dragon Ball Z Scouter

My initial reaction to Google’s Project Glass was, “Wait…Sunday was April 1….” After reading more about it and watching the video above, I see that it’s just the latest in a long line of rip-offs from Google. This is nothing more than a Saiyan scouter, like the one Vegeta used in Dragon Ball Z. The company claims that it’s a lot more — it’s a wearable tech initiative “that helps you explore and share your world, putting you back in the moment”.

I’m totally down with Project Glass. I just want it so that I can do things like stare at a kitten and scream, “Power level 9000?!?” I figure that’s at least five-years worth of entertainment. Totally worth it.

Seriously though, are you interested in wearable tech like Google Project Glass (in a non-DBZ way)?


Coffee Talk #460: You Down With NFC? (Yeah, You Know Me!)

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, remembering Davy Jones, iNiS getting into mobile gaming, or AT&T’s new throttling policy for “unlimited” data users, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Before I get started, it’s very important that you play the YouTube video above. The column will be 57 percent more entertaining with the song playing. Ready? Let’s go! Back in May 2011, we had a little chat about Google Wallet. The broader and better discussion is about near-field communication or NFC, as it’s more commonly known. NFC is popping up in more and more phones every day. Soon, it will become a standard feature for the majority of smartphones sold in first-world countries. There are several NFC services similar to Google Wallet being developed; a lot of big business want you to use your phone to pay for things. There are also some simpler applications like being able to exchange contact info by simply waving your NFC-equipped phone. Do you care about any of this stuff?!?

Every week, I get bombarded by press releases touting NFC and NFC applications. A lot of companies are betting big on this technology, but so far, I couldn’t care less about it. I have absolutely no interest in using my phone to pay for things. A few friends and relatives have had their credit cards scanned and are now shielding their cards with metal wallets. Storing payment information on my phone would just give me one more thing to worry about. Beyond that, it simply doesn’t add any convenience for me; before I leave my apartment, I always make sure that I have my ID, which is stored in my wallet — you know, that receptacle where my bank cards live too.

Exchanging contacts through NFC? *yawn*

The one area where I could see myself getting excited about NFC is gaming. Imagine a Pokemon-like game on your phone that lets your trade and battle over NFC? How about NFC being used to scan “smart posters” that allow you to import new items or characters into a game? Screw mobile payments! This is what I want NFC to be used for.

Are you down with NFC? (Yeah, you know me!) What kind of NFC applications interest you?

Innovative Leisure Reunites Atari Arcade Creators

My friends Seamus Blackley (co-creator of the Xbox) and Vanessa Burnham (author of Supercade: A Visual History of the Videogame Age 1971-1984) have revealed their next project: Innovative Leisure. The company reunites the incredible talent behind numerous Atari arcade classics and brings them under one roof to create iOS games. Here’s an excerpt from an excellent story by VentureBeat’s “Dancing” Dean Takahashi:

“We are looking at the new arcade, and 99 cents on the iPhone is the new quarter,” Blackley (pictured above), president of the startup Innovative Leisure, said in an exclusive interview with VentureBeat. “People are playing on all these new devices and are finding the joy of the arcade games.”

The “Jedi Council” team includes Ed Rotberg, creator of the classic Atari game Battlezone; Owen Rubin, creator of Major Havoc and Space Duel; Rich Adam, creator of Gravitar and co-developer of Missile Command; Ed Logg, co-creator of Asteroids and Centipede; Dennis Koble, creator of Touch Me and Shooting Gallery; Tim Skelly, the only non-Atari veteran arcade game designer who worked for Cinematronics and created games such as Rip-Off; and Bruce Merrit, creator of Black Widow.

Innovative Leisure is so full of awesome that my head is on the verge of exploding. You can (but shouldn’t) ignore my personal biases for Seamus and Van; I adore both of them, so I’m obviously excited about their startup. You can’t ignore the talent and influence of the game creators working with them. This is the videogame equivalent of The Rat Pack getting back together to show the world their classic talents on a new medium. (Geeking out again.)

I’d love to hear what you think of Innovative Leisure. Are you excited by old-school Atari creators taking their talents to South Beach the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch?


Humble Bundle Offers Great Games for Great Charities

Humble Bundle is a great way to enjoy some sweet games, support some lovely indie developers, and contribute to great charities. On the game side, you get Anomaly, Edge, Osmos, and World of Goo. The games are DRM-free and available on multiple platforms (Android, Linux, Mac OS, and Windows). You pay what you want for the games, which is very cool. What’s even cooler is that you can split up your payment; you can decide how much goes to the developer, the charities, and Humble Bundle.

I’d love to hear what you think of Humble Bundle. On paper, it seems like a win-win for gamers, developers, and charities. If you happen to pick up the games, please share your Humble Bundle experience.

Blue Microphones Mikey Digital and Spark Digital (iOS)

Here are a pair of videos featuring Blue Microphones chief technology office Brian Biggott talking about two of the company’s upcoming iOS-compatible mics: the Spark Digital and the Mikey Digital. I’m a pretty big mark for Blue Mics; I currently use the company’s Yeti and enCORE 100. With that in mind, I was excited to see these two products at CES 2012. Now onto the vids!

Line 6 Mobile Keys MIDI Keyboard Controllers for iPad

Here’s another CES 2012 video for you. This time Line 6 mobile products manager Chris Grigg talks about the company’s two MIDI keyboard controllers specifically designed for iPad: the Mobile Keys 25 and Mobile Keys 49. Companies like Line 6 and M-Audio have been brilliant at helping musicians and song writers exploit technology to bolster creativity. Fair play to those guys and gals.

Razer Project Fiona Video Interview

Here’s a video interview I whipped up for Padvance on Razer’s Project Fiona Windows gaming tablet. As I mentioned before, it was one of the most talked about products of CES 2012. In this video, product evangelist Hilmar Hahn gives an overview of Project Fiona and shares Razer’s future plans with the product. Check it out and let me know what you think (please!).

HP Envy 14 Spectre Hands-On Preview

HP nabbed a ton of attention at CES 2012 with its HP Envy 14 Spectre “Ultrabook”. One of several laptops competing with Apple’s MacBook Air, the Envy 14 Spectre stands out with its premium build. However, it also has a slightly higher-than-average price and weight for this product category. This $1,399 laptop packs a 14-inch screen in a package that’s 0.79-inches thick and weighs 3.9 pounds. As with most HP premium laptops, the Envy 14 Spectre boasts Beats audio. Here are the full specs:

  • Processor: Intel Core i5-2467m 1.6GHz
  • Screen: 14-inch Radiance display, 1,600 x 900 resolution
  • Memory: 4GB RAM
  • Storage: 128GB mSATA SSD
  • Thickness: 0.78-inches
  • Weight: 3.9 pounds
  • Dimensions: 12.87 inches x 8.7 inches x 0.79 inches
  • Ports: USB 2.0, USB 3.0, SD card reader, Mini DisplayPort, Ethernet
  • Keyboard: Chiclet, backlit with sensor to brighten when you approach
  • Wireless: 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth, WiDi
  • Battery Life: 9 hours estimated

After opening the laptop and messing around with keyboard, I was impressed by its luxurious feel. The lid, screen, touchpad, and palm rest feature Corning Gorilla Glass for a premium feel and great durability. The keyboard felt very comfortable; while I’d need more time with the machine to say for sure, my initial impression is that it’s as good as the one on the MacBook Air 13 but with a stiffer feel (really a matter of preference). Clicking, dragging, and two-finger scrolling on the touchpad felt very smooth.

[nggallery id=87]

The lid of the Envy 14 Spectre is gorgeous…until you touch it. It is, by far, the biggest fingerprint magnet I’ve seen in years. Considering that it’s black glass, I shouldn’t have been surprised, yet I was still taken aback by the amount of smudges the lid picked up. If you’re the least bit affectionate with your electronics then you’ll be cleaning the Spectre every three minutes or so. The running joke among tech writers is that this is a security feature being tested by HP since the laptop picks up fingerprints easily. (Tech writers are generally not that funny.)

The Spectre’s screen is bright and beautiful, with broad viewing angles for sharing. The 1,600 x 900 resolution is unusually high for a 14-inch screen. Some people love the extra pixels and detail. Others, particularly those with bad eyes, might end up enlarging the text size to make things usable. Personally, I loved the display, despite my eyes sucking. The high res “Radiance” display adds to the premium look and feel of this notebook.

The HP Envy 14 Spectre stands out from the crowd with its liberal use of Gorilla Glass and beautiful screen. However, with other vendors aggressively pricing their Ultrabooks, will people be willing to pay a bit more for a laptop that’s a bit slicker and heavier? I’d love your take on this product. Please let me know if you’re interested in the HP Envy 14 Spectre and if you think it will be a top-selling Ultrabook.