Several of my analyst and journalist friends in San Francisco are raving about Google TV. When it was unveiled at Google I/O, I thought it was cool and had lots of potential. My friends have proclaimed it the messiah, thinking that it’s a huge step in combating the dreadful service and awful prices of cable companies. I’m not so sure.
Don’t get me wrong. I hate cable providers (especially Comcast *snicker*), but I’m not convinced that Google can completely disrupt the market. Earlier in the year, it tried to change the way mobile phones were sold with the Nexus One. Partially due to Google’s poor execution and partially due to the stranglehold telecom companies have on the biz, it didn’t work. I can see something similar happening with Google TV. The big difference is that Google TV will have some longterm success thanks to powerful hardware and network partners. I just disagree with my friends that it will change the game.
Anyway, I want to know if you give a damn about Google TV. Is it a major step in changing the television game? Are you interested in the product? Are my friends in San Francisco smoking something funny? Or are they just getting geeked up because they live in the most awesome geek bubble in the world?