What Are You Playing This Weekend?

Following last weekend’s retro jaunt with Taipan, I’ve decided to continue revisiting my early PC gaming days with Tales of the Unknown Volume 1: The Bard’s Tale. While I don’t remember the friend that gave me the game, I do remember playing it for dozens of hours on my Commodore 64. One of the most unique features … Continue reading “What Are You Playing This Weekend?”

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Screens

I’m not really into vampires (blame Twilight…and Twilight fans), so I was surprised by how jazzed I was after seeing screens for The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing. This upcoming action-RPG for Windows PC and Xbox Live Arcade has Dracula’s nemesis hunting baddies with a sword, a pistol, and magic. Fans of games like Baldur’s Gate Dark Alliance, Marvel Ultimate … Continue reading “The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Screens”

Coffee Talk #548: Best Game of 2012

There were a lot of great console games I enjoyed in 2012. The PlayStation 3 had two of my favorites in Journey and The Unfinished Swan. As far as traditional console games go, I quite enjoyed Final Fantasy XIII-2. On the PC side, I had some fun with Diablo III. To my surprise, my favorite game of the year wasn’t for PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, or a handheld console. It was for the iPad. I’m talking about…more

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Preview / Interview

Please check out the video interview above with Josef Fares, game director of Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, and read my preview-ish thoughts below. This downloadable game is set to hit PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC in Spring 2012 courtesy of Starbreeze and 505 Games. I checked it out a few weeks ago and … Continue reading “Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Preview / Interview”

What Are You Playing This Weekend?

In addition to my regularly scheduled Outernauts and Final Fantasy Dimensions time, I’m hoping to add a double dose of digitally downloaded games this weekend. First up is Double Dragon Neon. Justin and I checked out the game at E3 2012. It looked like good, old-school fun with a Zack Ryder-ish twist. Next is La Pucelle Tactics. I’m delighted that Mastiff has … Continue reading “What Are You Playing This Weekend?”

Final Fantasy Dimensions (Not) Review After 54 Hours

So I’ve been meaning to write a proper review of Final Fantasy Dimensions for iOS. The problem is that the game is really long and really engrossing. I just started the fourth and final chapter this morning. My game clock at the end of the third chapter was a shade over 54 hours. I’ve maybe … Continue reading “Final Fantasy Dimensions (Not) Review After 54 Hours”

New Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition Screens

Overhaul Games has released a new batch of screens for the upcoming Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition. A remastering of one of the greatest PC RPGs of all time, this game is set to hit Windows, Mac OS X, and iPad this month, with an Android release to follow later. This is the game that turned me into … Continue reading “New Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition Screens”

Coffee Talk #515: Final Fantasy Dimensions and Square Enix iOS Pricing

There’s this one (idiot) game journalist that I can’t stand (professionally). One of the things he constantly harps on is the price of Square Enix’s iOS games. He has used thousands of words to rail on the company. On a good day, he says that the games are overpriced. On a bad day, he says that the pricing is obscene. The truth is that the game’s are…

My Favorite Screenshot of 2012

This image from Final Fantasy Dimensions is my favorite screenshot of 2012 (so far). I don’t remember many Japanese RPGs that use the word bunghole. That’s funny. Pirates are also funny (blame Captain Jack Sparrow for that one). Imagining that the pirates in Final Fantasy Dimensions are constantly using the word bunghole the way that Beavis does when he’s … Continue reading “My Favorite Screenshot of 2012”