Latest iTunes Update Improves Ping

The latest version of iTunes includes some big improvements to the Ping social networking feature. Previously, Ping only worked with music that was purchased through iTunes. Now it works with your entire music library…if the music is available on iTunes. While it’s not the improvement everyone is clamoring for — Facebook integration — it’s a pretty big step that makes the service much more interesting.

I’ve updated my Ping account with a variety of music (that makes it look like I enjoy bands other than Nelson). If you’re interested, please follow me. I’m “Raymond Padilla”. If you download the update, please check out the new Ping and let me know what you think.

Verizon CEO Crushes CDMA iPhone 4 Dreams

Remember those three-million CDMA iPhones that are (supposedly) being made in December? They’re not for Verizon. Unless the company is pulling a swerve, it’s forgoing a CDMA iPhone in favor of one that takes advantage of its upcoming high-speed LTE network. Here’s the word from The Apple Blog:

Despite supplier rumors that seemed to indicate we’d see a Verizon iPhone early on in the new year, recent comments by Verizon’s own CEO have put a damper on those hopes. CEO Ivan Seidenberg said at the Goldman Sachs Investor conference that Apple’s device won’t appear on his company’s network until it’s ready for the long-term evolution (LTE) network Verizon is so fervent about.

While this news will surely disappoint users that are anxious for a Verizon iPhone, I think it’s the right move. Verizon’s CDMA network is considered the most reliable in the country, but it’s hardly the fastest. With LTE, the company would have a differentiator that combines blazing speeds and rock-solid reliability.

Do you think it’s the right move for Verizon? Or are you crying that there isn’t a Verizon CDMA iPhone in your future?


Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg is Worth More Than Apple’s Steve Jobs

What kind of world do we live in that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has a higher net worth than Apple CEO Steve Jobs?!? That’s the word from Forbes, which lists Zuckerberg’s net worth as $6.9-billion and pegs Jobs at $6.1-billion. (If either of you happen to be reading this and want to throw a few hundred thousand my way to fund my site’s video efforts for the next two years, I’d love you forever.) I guess that’s why Jobs’ movie (Pirates of Silicon Valley) was made for cable and Zuckerberg’s (The Social Network) is a major theatrical release.

*sigh* This is the first of three things that will make me move to Thailand. Next, Epic Games Mike “Busta” Capps will become President of the United States of America and Bolivia Bunn will be the biggest star in the country. (I’m seriously concerned about the latter happening.)


Analyst Says 3-Million CDMA iPhones Will Be Made in December

Just when you thought the “iPhone heading to Verizon” rumor mill has slowed down, a Susquehanna Financial Group analyst has claimed that CDMA iPhones will start production in December 2010. Here’s the scoop from AppleInsider:

Analyst Jeffrey Fidacaro with Susquehanna Financial Group said in a note to investors on Wednesday that checks with overseas suppliers indicated Apple is prepared to build 3 million CDMA iPhones in December, keeping the device on track for an early 2011 launch.

On one hand, the number seems awfully low, so perhaps these phones are for one of the Asian markets. On the other hand, a lot of people are expecting Verizon’s CEO to focus on the iPhone 4 during his Consumer Electronics Show (CES) keynote address.

I’ve asked you this like 49 times this year, but what do you think of the latest CDMA iPhone rumor? Will it hit Sprint or Verizon in January 2011? Or are these phones headed elsewhere? Or maybe the analyst is just Pachter wrong.


Google Voice Apps Hit iPhone: Time to Ditch Android for iOS?

Google Android is the best mobile OS for me. Its Gmail integration is perfect. Since I have four Gmail accounts that serve four different purposes, I really appreciate how slick Gmail is on Android. Another reason I’m a fan of Google’s OS is that I rely on Google Voice for work and play. With these two factors in mind, Apple’s iPhone wasn’t a practical option for me…until last weekend.

Recently, Apple relaxed its developer requirements for iOS and allowed two Google Voice apps into its “walled garden” — GV Connect and GV Mobile. Many tech reporters believe that Google’s official app will be available shortly. If Apple allows a Google Voice app that’s as tightly integrated as the Android version then the iPhone would be far more useful to me.

Having said that, I don’t think I could ditch Android entirely. The most likely scenario is that an Android handset would be my primary phone, while an iPhone 4 would be used for games (you know, for work purposes) and media. My previous plans was to just rock a SIM-less iPhone 4, but now that Google Voice is available for iOS, I just might have to activate it.

Any of you iPhone users happen to use Google Voice? Have you tried any of the new Google Voice apps for iOS? (And yes, this post was partially written to help me think out my future purchases.)

Google Docs Finally Heading to Android…and iPad Too

I’ve always been mystified by Google’s inability to bring Google Docs to Android. It seems like such a no-brainer (that should have been a launch feature). With Google Docs, the company would have a huge selling point for business use. It looks like Google’s cloud-based productivity-suite is finally coming to Android…and iPad too. Here’s a clip from a recent blog post by Google Enterprise president Dave Girouard:

Today we demonstrated new mobile editing capabilities for Google Docs on the Android platform and the iPad. In the next few weeks, co-workers around the world will soon be able to co-edit files simultaneously from an even wider array of devices.

On the Android front, all I have to say is that it’s about frickin’ time! As for the iPad version, I’m all for that too; Google Docs for iPad would make the device exponentially more useful to me.

I used Google Docs heavily at G4tv and continue to use it today. While it doesn’t have all the features of Microsoft Office, it has most of what I need in a lightweight, cloud-based program. Do any of you use Google Docs for work or school? Are you interested in Google Docs for Android and/or iPad?


New iPad Coming in Q1 2011?

There’s a chance that Apple will be refreshing its iPad line of tablet computers as early as Q1 2011. According to DigiTimes, component manufacturers are already working on parts to hit that time frame:

Component suppliers including touch panel and reinforced glass suppliers for Apple’s iPad are completing validation with Apple for the second-generation 9.7-inch iPad, according to Taiwan-based component suppliers.

Apple is expected to launch the second-generation iPad in the first-quarter of 2011, the suppliers noted.

Although the original iPad has several shortcomings, it has proven to be wildly popular device around the world. Still, it would be very unusual for Apple to introduce a new model less than a year the original was launched. Of course the tablet market is going to be extremely competitive in 2011, so perhaps Apple is wisely reloading its big gun before the competition takes off.

What do you think of DigiTimes report? Will Apple launch a new iPad in Q1 2011? Or is it too soon?


Microsoft Says That Kinect Will Blow Away the Apple iPad

Microsoft’s Kudo Tsunoda believes that Kinect for Xbox 360 will “blow away” iPad launch sales. Either he genuinely believes that or he’s trying to outdo Aaron Greenberg’s prediction that Kinect will sell three-million units. Here’s what Tsunoda told Gamasutra:

The preorders have been really strong. As far as what we’re looking at for Holiday, this is going to be stuff that’ll blow away any of the sales you’ve seen with iPad.

I’m a big fan of Tsunoda. I loved his work on EA Sports’ Fight Night series. When the first Fight Night games were being made, Kudo and I were usually the only guys wearing shades indoors at videogame events. All those bonds aside, I’m going to give him this week’s Brian Fellow award for saying crazy sh*t. I just don’t see how Kinect’s launch will be more successful than the iPad’s (without the use of really creative math).

What do you think of Tsunoda’s words? Will Kinect have a more successful launch than the iPad? Or am I right to yell, “That’s crazy!!!” at Kudo’s quote?


Floyd Mayweather, Jr. Faces Five Years in Jail Over iPhone

Supremely talented boxer and amazing racist Floyd Mayweather, Jr. faces up to five years in prison over a domestic disturbance, according to The Associated Press. Mayweather’s ex-girlfriend, Josie Harris, has accused him of beating her and stealing her iPhone. Here’s a clip from the AP story:

Mayweather, 33, said nothing as he was released from the Clark County jail on $3,000 bail after being booked on a grand larceny charge. He could face up to five years in state prison if he is convicted of taking items valued at less than $2,500.

According to Mayweather’s attorney, the iPhone is simply lost:

Mayweather’s lawyer, Richard Wright, denied Mayweather was guilty of the criminal charges based on allegations by Josie Harris.

“He did not commit any grand larceny,” Wright told The Associated Press. “Josie can’t find her iPhone. We’re attempting to find it or replace it. We’ll cooperate in the investigation. We expect to get the matter resolved.” An iPhone typically costs less than $500.

Isn’t there an app that can help Harris locate her iPhone? Or does she have to be a Mobile Me subscriber to access that feature? Also, this story has me happier than I ought to be about a domestic disturbance. I’m reminded of the Thai phrase “som nom na”. *snicker*


Coffee Talk #210: How Swype Changed My (Mobile Phone) Life

A year ago, I was all about physical keyboards on mobile phones. While the virtual keyboard on my iPhone 3GS was somewhat acceptable, I greatly preferred the speed and accuracy of my BlackBerry 8900. Virtual keyboards on Android have improved a lot in the last year, but they still aren’t great. Opting for a virtual keyboard over a “real” one seemed crazy to me. Then something happened that totally changed my preference — I discovered Swype.

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, whether Roger Federer is washed up (or not), the Hyundai Equus shaking up the automobile market, or where you get your best t-shirts, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

A year ago, I was all about physical keyboards on mobile phones. While the virtual keyboard on my iPhone 3GS was somewhat acceptable, I greatly preferred the speed and accuracy of my BlackBerry 8900. Virtual keyboards on Android have improved a lot in the last year, but they still aren’t great. Opting for a virtual keyboard over a “real” one seemed crazy to me. Then something happened that totally changed my preference — I discovered Swype.

That’s not entirely true. It would be more accurate to say that I rediscovered Swype. I played around with Swype and Shapewriter on the Nexus One earlier in the year, but didn’t give them enough time. After I reviewed the Motorola Droid X, I randomly decided to give it another go…and I completely fell in love with it. It’s just an awesome input method that’s fast and accurate (once you get used to it). I can actually bust out emails with Swype faster than I ever could on a BlackBerry keyboard. I’m just thoroughly impressed with Swype. To me, it’s one of the most significant pieces of mobile phone software released in the last five years.

I know that some of you are into Swype. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the software. If you’re anti-Swype, I’d love to hear your comments too. Maybe we can convert you. “One of us! One of us!”