32% of iPad Owners Haven’t Downloaded an App?!?

According to a recent study by Nielsen Wire, 32 percent of Apple iPad owners have not downloaded an app. Compare that to 63 percent having downloaded a paid app and five percent having downloaded free apps only. That deserves a Brian Fellow, “That’s crazy!!!”

There’s no doubt that the iPad is an amazing device that has legitimized the tablet computing market, but it’s also a popular choice for hipsters that want to be seen with a cool piece of consumer electronics at a trendy coffeehouse. As my friend Christian says, “The iPad is an international symbol for douchebaggery.”

Keep in mind that the survey used a sample size of 5,000 consumers. Still, the numbers are fascinating. What do you think of them? Do you agree that the iPad is one of the most coveted hipster accessories in 2010? Also, the next time I go to Intelligentsia in Silverlake and see someone with an iPad, I’m going to assume it’s some lamer that has never downloaded an app.


Fake Steve Jobs Talks Google Android…Again

After nearly a month of silence, Fake Steve Jobs is back with a hilarious rant on Google Android. As with most of the blog posts by Fake Steve, this one should not be missed. Here’s a clip:

To reiterate: We are way more popular than Android. In fact, Android is not that popular at all. From what our research tells us, hardly anyone is buying Android phones. I know — that’s not what you’re hearing from the so-called “independent” market research outfits. So ask yourself, why is that? How could all those firms get this so incredibly wrong? Could it be that they’ve all been bought off by Google? Maybe that’s something that someone should be looking into.

But think about it. Do you know anyone who has an Android phone? I don’t. Honestly, not a single person I know has an Android phone. I’ve never seen one anywhere, in public, being used by a real person. I just haven’t. I mean I’ve seen the ads. But I haven’t seen an actual Android phone, and until I do, then as far as I’m concerned they simply don’t exist. They’re like Bigfoot, or the Loch Ness Monster. Great story, very entertaining, but not real.

I highly suggest reading the whole thing. Fake Steve rules!!!


Google, RIM, and TweetDeck Fire Back at Apple’s Steve Jobs

Apple CEO Steve Jobs made a lot of noise with his comments during the company’s Q4 2010 earnings call. Google, RIM, and TweetDeck executives have refuted some of Jobs’ statements. The executive trash talking is getting good. Grab some popcorn and enjoy.

TweedDeck founder and CEO Iain Dodsworth sent out two tweets addressing Android fragmentation being a nightmare for developers:

Did we at any point say it was a nightmare developing on Android? Errr nope, no we didn’t. It wasn’t.

We only have 2 guys developing on Android TweetDeck so that shows how small an issue fragmentation is

Google VP of engineering Andy Rubin sent out a playful and nerdy tweet addressing Jobs’ assertion that Android isn’t really open:

the definition of open: “mkdir android ; cd android ; repo init -u git://android.git.kernel.org/platform/manifest.git ; repo sync ; make”

RIM co-CEO Jim Balsillie issued a statement responding to Jobs’ diss on the company and the BlackBerry platform:

For those of us who live outside of Apple’s distortion field, we know that 7″ tablets will actually be a big portion of the market and we know that Adobe Flash support actually matters to customers who want a real web experience. We also know that while Apple’s attempt to control the ecosystem and maintain a closed platform may be good for Apple, developers want more options and customers want to fully access the overwhelming majority of web sites that use Flash. We think many customers are getting tired of being told what to think by Apple. And by the way, RIM has achieved record shipments for five consecutive quarters and recently shared guidance of 13.8 – 14.4 million BlackBerry smartphones for the current quarter. Apple’s preference to compare its September-ending quarter with RIM’s August-ending quarter doesn’t tell the whole story because it doesn’t take into account that industry demand in September is typically stronger than summer months, nor does it explain why Apple only shipped 8.4 million devices in its prior quarter and whether Apple’s Q4 results were padded by unfulfilled Q3 customer demand and channel orders. As usual, whether the subject is antennas, Flash or shipments, there is more to the story and sooner or later, even people inside the distortion field will begin to resent being told half a story.

This is great stuff! These guys should all get in a steel cage and for a last-man-standing match. I’d buy that on PPV.

Listen to Steve Jobs Rock Apple’s Q4 Earnings Call

Normally, I wouldn’t advise you to listen to an earnings call, but Apple CEO Steve Jobs made a rare appearance during Apple’s Q4 2010 results announcement. His presence made the call exponentially more entertaining. He blasted Android, blasted RIM and its BlackBerry platform, blasted seven-inch tablets, talked about sanding your fingers, and was his usually charming self. Click here to give it a listen (Jobs jumps in around the 15-minute mark). Here are some quotes from his Royal Worshipfulness Grandmaster High Steve.

On the “open” Google Android vs. the “closed” Apple iOS:

Google wants to characterize Android as open, and iOS and the iPhone as closed. We think this is disingenuous. Unlike Windows, which has the same interface on every machine, Android is very fragmented. Compare this with iPhone, where every interface is the same. You know, even if Google were right, and the real issue is closed versus open, it’s worth noting that closed systems don’t always win — look at Microsoft’s Plays For Sure model. Even Microsoft abandoned this strategy in favor of Apple’s integrated approach. We believed integrated will trump fragmented every time.

On seven-inch tablets vs. the Apple iPad:

Let’s talk about the avalanche of tablets. First, there are only a few credible competitors. And they all have seven-inch screen. This size isn’t sufficient to create great tablet apps. And this size is useless unless you include sandpaper so users can sand their fingers down to a quarter of their size. We’ve done extensive testing and 10 inches is the minimum tablet size. Given that tablet users will have a smartphone in their pocket, there’s no point in giving up screen size. Seven inch tablets are tweeners — too big to be a phone, and too small to compete with the iPad.

On Apple’s goals with the iPhone:

Our goal is to make the best devices in the world, not to be the biggest — as you know Nokia is the biggest, and we admire them for shipping as many devices as they do. But we don’t want to be like them — we want to be like us, and make the best devices. Nokia makes $50 handsets, and we’re not smart enough to figure that out yet — I’ll let you know when we do. Our goal is to make the best products in every industry we compete in while driving costs down. That’s what we did with iPod — it was relentless improvement and lower prices that was able to beat our competition. As you know we have a very low share in the phone market — single digits if you count all the handsets, and a high share in tablets because we were the first movers. But that’s not how we think about it. The reason we don’t make a seven-inch tablet isn’t cost, but because seven inches isn’t big enough for the software people want to put on them.

Steve is awesome.


Verizon to Offer Apple iPad Starting October 28, 2010

Starting October 28, 2010 you’ll be able to buy an Apple iOS product through Verizon: the Apple iPad. Verizon will be selling the iPad as a standalone product or bundled with its MiFi 2200 mobile hotspot. Here’s more info from the press release:

Verizon Wireless will offer three bundles, all featuring an iPad Wi-Fi model and a Verizon MiFi 2200 Intelligent Mobile Hotspot, for a suggested retail price of $629.99 for iPad Wi-Fi 16GB + MiFi, $729.99 for iPad Wi-Fi 32GB + MiFi and $829.99 for iPad Wi-Fi 64GB + MiFi. Verizon Wireless is offering a monthly access plan to iPad customers of up to 1GB of data for just $20 a month. In addition, Verizon Wireless will also offer all three iPad Wi-Fi models on a stand-alone basis.

The overage charge for the $20 plan is $20 per GB. Additional wireless plans include $35 a month for 3GB with a $10 per GB overage charge and $50 a month for 5GB with a $10 per GB overage charge. Although the prices for the iPad are the same as the AT&T equivalents, the service prices are better than AT&T’s and the MiFi 2200 can be used with other devices.

More importantly, Verizon and Apple are working together. For all of you dreaming about a CDMA iPhone 4 on Verizon in early 2011, this is a great sign.

Any of you tempted to buy an iPad through Verizon? What do you think of Apple and Verizon finally working together? Do you think a Verizon iPhone is a shoe-in or is this partnership more about Apple fending off upcoming Google Android tablets?

John Sculley Talks Steve Jobs, Microsoft, Sony, and More

Cult of Mac has posted the transcript to a completely fascinating interview with former Apple CEO John Sculley. (Here’s the audio version for download too!) Some of you might remember him as the guy brought in by Steve Jobs and the guy that helped push Jobs out. Some of you will recall the famous line Jobs used to court Sculley who was president of Pepsi at the time: “Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life, or do you want to come with me and change the world?”

Most tech blogs are focusing on Sculley’s admiration for Jobs and the enormous amount of praise he doles out in the interview. I thought it was more interesting to read Sculley talk about Apple’s competitors and influences. Here’s a clip where he discusses Jobs’ admiration for Sony:

The one that Steve admired was Sony. We used to go visit Akio Morita and he had really the same kind of high-end standards that Steve did and respect for beautiful products. I remember Akio Morita gave Steve and me each one of the first Sony Walkmans. None of us had ever seen anything like that before because there had never been a product like that. This is 25 years ago and Steve was fascinated by it. The first thing he did with his was take it apart and he looked at every single part. How the fit and finish was done, how it was built.

I almost forgot what a “premium” company Sony used to be. While it still offers some of the best consumer electronics in the world, the competition has caught up and Sony products don’t have the same mystique they used to. Sculley also discussed what went wrong at Sony:

You can see today the tremendous problem Sony has had for at least the last 15 years as the digital consumer electronics industry has emerged. They have been totally stove-piped in their organization. The software people don’t talk to the hardware people, who don’t talk to the component people, who don’t talk to the design people. They argue between their organizations and they are big and bureaucratic.

Sony should have had the iPod but they didn’t — it was Apple. The iPod is a perfect example of Steve’s methodology of starting with the user and looking at the entire end-to-end system.

To cap things off, here’s a bit where Sculley talks about Jobs’ goal of simplifying complexity. He contrasts it to Microsoft’s approach with the Zune media player:

He’s a minimalist and constantly reducing things to their simplest level. It’s not simplistic. It’s simplified. Steve is a systems designer. He simplifies complexity.

If you are someone who doesn’t care about it, you end up with simplistic results. It’s amazing to me how many companies make that mistake. Take the Microsoft Zune. I remember going to CES when Microsoft launched Zune and it was literally so boring that people didn‘t even go over to look at it… The Zunes were just dead. It was like someone had just put aging vegetables into a supermarket. Nobody wanted to go near it. I’m sure they were very bright people but it’s just built from a different philosophy. The legendary statement about Microsoft, which is mostly true, is that they get it right the third time. Microsoft’s philosophy is to get it out there and fix it later. Steve would never do that. He doesn’t get anything out there until it is perfected.

It’s really a fantastic interview that covers all sorts of topics. I’m completely fascinated with Steve Jobs and it was interesting to see how he’s perceived by a former colleague. Not that I don’t want you to stay here, but please, please, please make some time to read the entire interview.


NY Times Also Says iPhone 4 is Headed to Verizon

Hmmmm, perhaps that Wall Street Journal iPhone-to-Verizon story is true. The NY Times also says that the iPhone 4 is headed to Verizon in early 2011. It’s tough to ignore two major newspapers making this claim (though it would be hilarious if they were wrong). I’m going to have to buy into it.

While I love the stability of Verizon’s network and loathe AT&T’s, I think that the slowness of CDMA would annoy me (especially after experiencing Sprint’s WiMax and T-Mobile’s HSPA+). I’m more interested as a spectator and verbal entertainer. How about you? Any of you anxious for an iPhone 4 on Verizon in early 2011?


This Week’s iPhone-to-Verizon Rumor

The iPhone-to-Verizon rumors will never end. This week it’s The Wall Street Journal claiming that CDMA iPhones will hit Verizon in early 2011. If you’re keeping score, an analyst already said that three-million CDMA iPhones will be made at the end of the year. This was followed by Verizon’s CEO saying that the company won’t have the iPhone until its LTE network is ready for prime time. Here’s a clip from the WSJ article:

Apple Inc. plans to begin mass producing a new iPhone by the end of 2010 that would allow Verizon Wireless to sell the smartphone early next year, said people briefed by Apple.

The new iPhone would be similar in design to the iPhone 4 currently sold by AT&T Inc. but would be based on an alternative wireless technology called CDMA used by Verizon, these people said. The phone, for which Qualcomm Inc. is providing a key chip, is expected to be released in the first quarter of next year, according to the same people.

The reporting is kind of weak. Everyone has accepted that Apple is making a CDMA iPhone, but nobody has seen evidence of Verizon committing to it. It’s not like Verizon is the only CDMA carrier in the world. These phones could be headed to carriers in numerous countries.

Furthermore, Verizon’s CEO seemed confident that an LTE iPhone would be the better way to launch. I agree with that approach. As stable and reliable as Verizon’s network is, the 3G speeds are much slower than AT&T’s. For a lot of people (that don’t live in New York or San Francisco), it would be an inferior iPhone experience.

Then again, maybe none of that matters. Maybe the world is just like Xtra Normal suggests and people are all, “iPhone 4. I want an iPhone 4!” For the 90th time this year, what do you think of the latest iPhone-to-Verizon rumors?


Mad iPhone Game Sale!!!

The fine folks at TouchArcade have posted a list of iPhone games that are on sale. There are a bunch of fantastic titles that can be had from $0.99 to $2.99. My personal favorite, Civilization Revolution, is only $0.99! Check out the list and let me know if you’re going to buy anything.


  • Civilization Revolution ($6.99 -> $0.99)
  • Soccer Superstars ($2.99 -> $0.99)
  • 9 Innings: Pro Baseball 2011 ($4.99 -> $0.99)
  • Baseball Superstars 2010 ($2.99 -> $0.99)
  • Need for Speed Shift ($6.99 -> $0.99)
  • Bookworm ($2.99 -> $0.99)
  • Geometry Wars: Touch ($4.99 -> $0.99) Universal
  • Puzzle Agent ($4.99 -> $0.99)
  • Monkey Island 2 Special Edition ($2.99 -> $0.99)
  • The Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition ($2.99 -> $0.99)
  • Doom II RPG ($3.99 -> $0.99)
  • Assassin’s Creed II ($5.99 -> $0.99)
  • Zombie Infection ($2.99 -> $0.99)
  • Peggle ($2.99 -> $0.99)


  • Crash Bandicoot Nitro Kart 2 ($4.99 -> $1.99)
  • Risk: The official Game ($4.99 -> $1.99)
  • Hybrid 2: Saga of Nostalgia ($4.99 -> $1.99)
  • Zenonia 2 ($4.99 -> $1.99)
  • Castlevania Puzzle: Encore of the Night ($4.99 -> $1.99)
  • Mirror’s Edge ($4.99 -> $1.99)
  • ACE Combat Xi: Skies of Incursion ($4.99 -> $1.99)
  • Myst ($4.99 -> $1.99)
  • Doom Resurrection ($6.99 -> $1.99)
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 2 ($5.99 -> $1.99)
  • Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 ($4.99 -> $1.99)
  • NCAA Football by EA Sports ($4.99 -> $1.99)
  • Command & Conquer Red Alert ($4.99 -> $1.99)


  • NFL 2011 ($4.99 -> $2.99)
  • Real Racing ($4.99 -> $2.99)
  • Call of Duty Zombies ($9.99 -> $4.99)
  • Call of Duty Zomies HD ($9.99 -> $4.99) iPad Only
  • FIFA 10 by EA Sports ($6.99 -> $4.99)


Today’s Poll: Which Tablet Computer Are You Interested In?

The tablet computer market is going to be hot in 2011. Thanks to the Apple iPad, the format — once seen as too gimmicky to be entertaining or productive — is here to stay. There are loads of Google Android tablets set for release, HP has promised various Palm WebOS tablets in 2011, and RIM just unveiled the BlackBerry PlayBook. Do any of these products interest you? Kindly take today’s poll and explain your answer in the comments section.

[poll id=”73″]