Sony’s Kaz Hirai Dismisses the Nintendo 3DS

In an interview with Sankei Biz, Sony Computer Entertainment CEO Kaz Hirai brushed off portable 3D gaming. While he didn’t call out Nintendo’s 3DS handheld by name, it was easy to see his target. Hirai said:

Based off internally conducted research, naked-eye 3D for portables does not have high precision, and at present there are limitations.

He surely has a point, but he’s also comparing apples to oranges. Most experts believe that the 3DS will cost under $200. Playing stereoscopic 3D on your PlayStation 3 requires a $2,000 television and $150 glasses. While the PS3 will certainly provide a superior 3D experience, these are two entirely different product categories and price points. That said, it’s always fun when CEOs try to layeth the smack down.

What do you think of Hirai’s comparison? Is he just confident that the PS3 will have the better experience? Or is he threatened by the buzz the 3DS received at E3 2010?

Source via Andriasang

Author: RPadTV

6 thoughts on “Sony’s Kaz Hirai Dismisses the Nintendo 3DS”

  1. I think he feels a little threatened and up-ended. It's hard to judge the 3DS without actual gameplay demos but everyone is impressed with the visuals. Maybe if they would've had hot girls present them like Nintendo had they would've won the 3-D war or maybe if Kevin Butler did it. I think they should just have KB do all of their shows, that guy has instant classic lines everytime. who is his writer?

  2. 3d tvs will be the standard here in a year or two, im assuming. I dont know why sony didnt do the 3d push next year. They could have went over the 3d capablilities without spending 30 minutes on them. Its like trying to give CJ spiller 350 carries his rookie year

    spiller is gonna be great, but give him a year or two to acclimate himself to the league

  3. I don't understand why people enjoy reading or listening to high-level executives speak out against their competitor's products… especially a product that is not out yet. What do you expect Hirai-san to say? "Oh noez! Da Nintendoos 3DS is gonna kik da PSP's azz! Wehe're teh doomz!!!!"

    The standard response to a competitors' (yet-to-be-mass-produced) product should be something along the lines of "… I have not heard or had a chance to see this device/product for myself so I cannot comment about it." That's it. Anything more and you'd sound like your lost and/or damned.


  4. @Iceman

    I enjoy it, but this was a weak comment. He basically said Sony doesn't know how to can make a good 3D portable product. That's why he didn't name the 3DS as it would instantly draw contrast to his comment and people would think he is saying the 3DS has poor 3D. I don't think there are many people who would agree with that.

  5. @Iceman

    I never beat LatD. It got boring to me. How do you like it?


    Kaz is gonna get it handed to him. 3DS will be a hell of a lot cheaper than a f'n Bravia 3Dtv and the glasses. Wrong horse right now Kaz

  6. @ Smartguy;

    Sorry for the late reply, but if you are still reading this; yes, I know what you mean. The story was a bit lacking and not really coherent. The new weapons really didn't add anything to the game and a few of the characters seemed generic or out of place altogether. I also didn't like that a couple of the missions were EXACT repeats of GTA IV missions, only from the P.O.V. of a different character. Also, the climax and ending sucked. But the worst thing about the game for me, by far, was the ugly, grainy "lens filter" that Rockstar used to tarnish the natural beauty of Liberty City. At first I thought there was something wrong with my TV, then I thought that it was some sort of flashback scene. When I got through the halfway point of the game and the screen still looked like someone pooped on the camera lens, I realized that it was an "artistic style" choice by Rockstar, probably to match the gritty, dark tone of the game.

    Well, I think it worked too well since the game made me depressed just by looking at it, let alone playing it. I don't want to play something to depress me, I want to play something that will let me escape and give me warm, fuzzy feelings of joy and fun. This game ultimately failed in that criteria. I could not, in good conscience, recommend this game… even to fans of GTA IV. It just seems like Rockstar was sleep walking through this effort and it shows.

    I've currently started on Ballad of Gay Tony and I am liking it better from the two missions I've already played. I'll have to go through the whole game and judge it later, though.


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