Google Launching 1Gbps Experimental Fiber ISP

In its ongoing effort to take over the world (would that make Eric Schmidt and Sergey Brin tech’s Pinky and the Brain?), Google has announced that it’s launching an experimental fiber Internet service that will be available to 50,000 to 500,000 people. Product manager James Kelly stated:

We’re planning to build and test ultra high-speed broadband networks in a small number of trial locations across the United States. We’ll deliver Internet speeds more than 100 times faster than what most Americans have access to today with 1 gigabit per second, fiber-to-the-home connections. We plan to offer service at a competitive price to at least 50,000 and potentially up to 500,000 people.

To get your community involved in the project, head here.

Man…1Gbps Internet that’s not in Korea. I never thought I’d see the day. If services like this become the norm — and hopefully Google’s effort will force cable/phone companies to improve their offerings — then digital distribution will get here sooner than expected. From Google’s perspective, ridiculously fast Internet would make products like Chrome OS, Picasa, Gmail, Google Maps, etc. seem like native desktop apps. Cloud computing would seem like local computing.

Google’s new service could be huge for gamers and Internet junkies alike. I want it now!!!


Author: RPadTV

25 thoughts on “Google Launching 1Gbps Experimental Fiber ISP”

  1. i'd be a google guinea pig. unless they were going to stop collecting study data after a few years.

  2. Afraid they'd find your secret strawberry yogurt-covered, leather-clad ferret porn fetish, are you, Smartguy?


  3. I like this idea a lot…this is TONS faster than verizon fios (my current favorite) which is a really good service every time that I use it.

    I would still love to see them use my idea of making a single account that houses more than one email address, then I would have only one log-in for all of my accounts. It would also make it easier for google to use their tracking systems, and make it a lot easier for me to keep track of everything while on a computer.

  4. @Iceman

    Thanks for letting my team win in your stadium twice. :)

    And it's raspberry…not strawberry!

  5. (*raspberries at Smartguy*) Enjoy your win while you still can. Come next year, the bull's-eye your team has on it's back will be bigger than all the garbage collected after Mardi Gras. You better hope the 'Fins don't play the Saints again next year. Payback's a bitch.


  6. @Iceman

    Nice new avatar lol. I'm sure you will be able to take a little bit of solace in knowing you will probably beat our 3rd and 4th teamers in the preseason finale. :) If not then…then see you in Arlington.

    What bullseye? The way everyone makes it sound is as if we cheated to win and were gifted the game. Hell, 80% of talking heads and a good bit on this site thought the Saints would get rolled over. Oh well…WHO DAT!

  7. @ Smartguy

    Trust me when I say that the rest of the league hates seeing the champions wearing Black & Gold.

  8. @N8R

    haha, point taken. I just don't think teams take us seriously. So many players thought we were going to lose (non saints players). Even the common opponents like the Jets and Pats thought the Colts would smoke us…..and McNabb said we'd lose by at least 17…and let's not forget about old ugly Dungy.

    I think there will be a shift in who has the target…it's going to be Dallas. They got close last year, and the big dance is at their house this year…so great things will be expected of them. Oh and of course every team in the NFC east since you know…it is the toughest division and all…(sarcasm last sentence)

  9. @ Smartguy

    For real dude, the NFC East being the toughest?

    Look at AFC North… Steelers, Ravens, Bengals, (and the weak spot, but give them another year or 2 because good things are happening over there) the Browns… that's a pretty tough division.

  10. @N8R

    As long as Brees stays healthy I agree with that. I am also pretty excited about the fact that Greg Williams defense improves every year. We have a pretty good foundation on D right now.

    Bush will be a Saint next year, probably will score twice against the Steelers.

  11. @ Smartguy

    Brees is the flavor of the month. Trust me when I say that whoever (whenever) takes his place will be just as good, better, or switch up the game to something that works just as well if not better.

    Their strength is in a good front office (the problem with the 49ers). That my friend, is where dynasties are.

    When I say "some time to come", I'm talking like the next 20 years… the new Packers.

  12. @N8R

    Yeah the front office is great. One of the best right now.

    I disagree with you on Brees highly though. He has been the best QB in the league for the past 4 years. His statistics are greater than and in some cases (SB rings) equal to Manning. He has outplayed all of his peers. Simply put, he is an elite player who I do not think can easily be replaced. I trust the front office to make the right decision on who they would replace him with in 5 years or so.

  13. @ Smartguy

    I'm not saying he stinks. That's not what I meant. I'm saying it's a team game and he (like all QB's) are only as good as their O-line, receivers, and tight ends.

    Lets look at Michael Vick. He's an amazing athlete that you literally have to build a team around. Not every receiver can handle Vick.

    I give Brees credit and all, I just give equal credit to his O-Line.

  14. @N8R

    The NFL is a QB driven league. Without a good QB, you will not win a championship unless some other part of your team is the elite of elite. The Ravens come to mind.

    Vick is one of the worst QBs of all time. Overhyped by the Atlanta market and was a popular pick to change the position. Hasn't happened, and won't happen. A superior pocket passer with ability to avoid the rush and make changes at the line will always do better than the "athlete" QB. Atlanta fans will say that Vick is the best they've ever had…but nonmobile Cris Chandler took them to a superbowl.

    Saints O-Line is great, maybe the best in the league if not right up there with the best..but don't forget..Brees makes his O-Line look good with his fast reads and accurate throws. They go hand in hand. A bad QB like Russell can really make a line look bad. Gradkowski made them look more respectable this past season.

    As far as the skill positions are concerned, a great skill player can do a lot…but QBs have done well without the best. Brady and Brees for example. Last year Brees was 15 yards short of the record and his number 1 was Lance Moore. He's 4th on the depth chart. Brady won 3 SB without Moss and Welker. A great QB is imperative for success.

  15. @ Smartguy

    A pocket passer can't function without a pocket. A mobile QB can't function without blockers. A great overall passer can't function without at least good enough receivers. A playmaker can't work without players who know their role.

    I tend to think QB's get too much credit. They also carry huge burdens because of it.

    Besides, I was always of the mindset that offense wins games but defense wins championships (an expression). If the other team can't score, you win with a field goal.

  16. @N8R

    A good QB will make the whole team better around him. Bill Cowher doesn't want to take a job unless there is a franchise QB in place or he has a very good possibility of going to training camp with one. Roethlisberger taught him that.

    Look at the Raiders as an example, or the Cards, or 49ers and Vikes. Raiders were complete crap with Russell and with Grad they were able to drive and win some games. The cards have Boldin and Fitz, but they aren't very effective when Leinart is in. Warner made those guys look damn good. 49ers were an "ok" team with Hill as the QB but when Smith came in, Vernon Davis became a monster. Vikes were unreliable last year since they were damn near one dimensional. Throw in some Brett Favre and voila! Atlanta used Harrington…that went bad and Ryan came in and they went to the playoffs…w/o Gonzalez.

    I don't think the QBs are over credited at all. They have to make the correct reads, accurate throws, take hits, and burden the blame for INTs. Receivers are paid to catch the ball or block depending on what the play is. I know it goes more in depth, but QBs have a lot more responsibility.

    (i like this discussion btw.)

  17. First off, the QB effects the whole offense… the D plays against the third string in practice.

    In case it wasn't totally obvious, the QB is a member of the TEAM as well. It's not basketball. You can't win with just a Kobe. I think the whole team will go to hell if the O-line fails. They get VERY little credit for their accomplishments.

    In relation to my original point, like you said about Cowher… I believe the Saints coaches are in a similar place to be able to spot the talent they need come whatever happens to Drew Brees. They know they'd need someone to fit in with the team rather over a guy with a bunch of college stats.

    Unlike the Raiders.

  18. @N8R

    College stats can be misleading I agree, though sometimes they are on the mark. Manning for example.

    Put Matt Hasselbeck or Carson Palmer on the Colts…are they still a 14 win team? nope. Are the Colts above .500 without Manning? Nope. The QB is the head of the team, the offense in particular. Without a good QB, you will not succeed in today's NFL or the NFL of the past. The QB directs what an offense does and the defense has to REACT to what the QB decides to do unless they can sack him. A great quarterback cannot be underappreciated. Football is the ultimate teamsport, but when Marino left the Fins, they went to crap.

  19. Ok… there are glaring exceptions to the rules you laid out and you named one of them.

    Marino (he's from Pittsburgh, I'm a fanboy) had no rings. I'd call him one of the greatest still, but the no rings thing is a huge hurdle.

    I don't think Bradshaw was close to the same caliber… yet he has 4.

    Both examples are the way they are because of the teams surrounding them.

    I also argue that hockey is a team driven sport. The goalies get far less credit than they deserve, but if the rest of the team is hot, the puck will never go near him. Also, the NY Rangers have proven that you can buy all the best individual players in the league and still end up with a crappy team. Sure, you've got your superstars, but chemistry is key.

    Same thing with football. Willie Parker was an undrafted free agent (nobody wanted him). We picked him up, and he ran for longest rush in Super Bowl history.

    Hines Ward played QB in college.

  20. @N8R

    That's relative to who is reading the history.

    Example: I think Elway is one of the greatest if not the greatest QB of all time…however TD won those SBs, not Elway.

  21. @ Smartguy

    I knew the Saints were gonna start coming up when Ditka got down there (I know, back in the day… but still). The man knew how to set up dynasties (he’s also from Pittsburgh… but still). All he needed was a couple of years to show the office the ropes and once they figured out how the draft worked… you got championship material.

    Long story short, I truly think the Saints are gonna be a force to be reckoned with for some time to come.

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