Sony Computer Entertainment America has announced that system software update 4.20 will be available for download today. Initially I thought the 420 update centered around extending the PS3’s use as a marijuana device, but that’s not the case. A number of enhancements with the Wireless Stereo Headset have been added. Here are the details on the other goodies:
This update will also allow you to set the amount of time that the system will wait before turning itself off automatically for [Video/TV/Music/Photo] and for [Game/Other Features].
Additionally, saved data management has been improved. You will now be able to select multiple saved data items and delete or copy them as a group.
If any of you update your PS3 to system software 4.20, please leave a comment below and share your experience. Additionally, if you’re weeping about not being able to use your PS3 as a bong then consider the comments section your personal support group.
The update is nothing special to me cross game chat and a better web browser is what they should be focused on
And they could of at least given us a marijuana dynamic theme
Yeah really!
Or at least marijuana inspired themes
Hey, Ray. How recently was it that Sony started stepping on developer's/publisher's necks about making save files transferable only through the PlayStation Plus deal?