Award winning author John Foster (Leech, Rooster) dropped by to chat about Saturday Night Live with me. Before we got into the meat of the conversation, John spoke a bit about his latest book and what’s coming next. Also among the appetizers is a little rant on how much I hate when people say, “SNL isn’t funny anymore.” It’s such a lazy and thoughtless thing to say. It’s something I’ve been hearing from stupid people since high school and I hate it. So. Much.
With four cast members leaving (Kate McKinnon, Pete Davidson, Aidy Bryant, and Kyle Mooney), I fully expect some morons to say, “Saturday Night Live isn’t funny anymore,” throughout next season. The thing is, SNL is always funny. Sure, it has peaks and valleys like anything else, but writing, producing, and performing a live sketch comedy show is extraordinarily difficult. And for the most part, everyone involved with the show pulls it off.
Beyond that, SNL is always the funniest when you’ve invested the most time into it. For most people that’s usually in their teens or 20s. There are elements of emotional investment and nostalgia when people remember when SNL was best to them. Saying, “SNL isn’t funny anymore,” is inaccurate at best and flat-out dumb at worst. It may not be as funny to you as it was in the past, but humor evolves and mainstream tastes change.
At the end of the day, SNL is always funny.
Anyway, getting back to my wonderful conversation with John Foster, we spoke about:
- Our favorite sketches
- Cast members we loved the most
- Hosts that helped elevate the show
- A special shout out to the next generation of SNL talent (Please Don’t Destroy!)
As always, it was a pleasure to chat with John and we had a lot of fun with this episode. Naturally, we want to hear about your favorite Saturday Night Live sketches, cast members, and hosts. Please share your thoughts in the comments section when you have a chance.