My excellent colleague and friend Paul Semel dropped by to share his thoughts on Moon Knight on Disney Plus and Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Although we both enjoy many of the same nerd things, our tastes also vary. With that in mind, I didn’t expect him to enjoy Moon Knight as much as I did. Although he said it was his least-favorite Marvel series on Disney Plus, he enjoyed it more than I expected him to.
Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness was received similarly. Paul Semel also enjoyed, but not as much as I did. He tends to be more cynical about entertainment in general and doesn’t enjoy secondary comics characters as much as I do. For example, I thoroughly enjoyed the Starbrand and Nightmask comics, while Paul could not care less about characters at that…level, for lack of a better word.
Moving onto spoiler-ish territory, Paul Semel and I enjoyed Moon Knight for its unique tone and great performances, especially May Calamawy. She kicked all kinds of ass and it was a pleasure watching her star rise. Dr. Strange’s standout performance belonged to a female as well. Elizabeth Olsen was incredible in the movie.
Some of the things Paul and I discussed in the video above include:
- Where Marvel is going with “Phase Four” of the Marvel Cinematic Universe
- Imagining what Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness was like for people that didn’t watch (the excellent) WandaVision
- An innocent joke Raymond made about “Phase Four” that got him Facebook blocked by a humorless prick that works at Nvidia
- Why Raymond and Paul should start a podcast called RayPaulsive
- Looking forward to Ms. Marvel, Obi-Wan, and (possibly) Young Avengers
- Where we rank Moon Knight and Dr. Strange relative to other Marvel television shows and movies, respectively
Please check out the video above when you have a chance. If you’ve seen Moon Knight and Dr. Strange, kindly share your thoughts on them in the comments section.