Embedded below is my Tower of Vape appearance from a few weeks ago. Host Rich Gavina and I covered a bunch of vaping products and issues in our long chat. We talked about how I started vaping, e-cig hardware, what makes a great vape shop, what I’m trying to do with the vaping section of RPadTV, and lots more. It was lots of fun being on Tower of Vape and I hope to make another appearance this year. Also, I’m happy I got to name drop a bunch of people/companies that have been instrumental in my vaping journey — Seth Killian, Matt from Vape Star, Ahlusion, and others get the rub from me. Lastly, to all the people that have emailed me to complain about me not vaping on camera, I vaped plenty on Rich’s show. Ha!
Watch Me on Tower of Vape (Please)!

This is AWESOME! Yeah definitely watch the replay and feel free to subscribe to both of our channels too :) Yippiee! Thanks Raymond my pare! *brofist* – R
I’m not able to be online all the time, or @ specific times even… So, as w/ any of the “shows”, in order to watch, my only option is to catch replays. While I’m SURE they’re much better “LIVE” .. being part of the chat & all, etc… I’m just thankful you guys post them…. so I can at least still be a part of it…….. somehow. :Fist-bumps all around! :) LIVE LONG -er… & VAPE ON! :) Amanda