Alex Rodriguez Fans Are Stupid (Hispanics Across America)

I would like to congratulate Hispanics Across America for being one of the dumbest organizations in the United States. According to ESPN, the group is the driving force behind the candlelight vigil held for New York Yankees steroid abuser (and also third baseman) Alex Rodriguez. While the punishment handed down by Major League Baseball commissioner Bud Selig is arguably excessive, I hardly think A-Roid needs or deserves a candlelight vigil. He’s a known cheater that has made hundreds of millions of dollars playing a game. There are better causes and better people to support. In pro-wrestling terms, Hispanics Across America is doing this to get “the rub” from A-Fraud.

Already a delusional egomaniac, Rodriguez is being enabled byHispanics Across America. The group has gotten people to show love and support to an unrepentant cheater that doesn’t give a rat’s ass about them. This is a man that has kissed a mirror image of himself for a magazine cover, blasted his best friend in magazine, (allegedly) has a painting of himself as a centaur hanging in his mansion, has taken performance-enhancing drugs, said he was longer on performance-enhancing drugs, and has been caught taking them again.  Why the hell does A-Rod need a candlelight vigil?!?

There are people in America that don’t have enough food. There are people in America without homes. Due to the country’s for-profit healthcare system, there are many people that have had to declare bankruptcy because of medical costs. The unemployment rate is awful. Hispanics Across America should be helping people with those problems. Instead it’s trying to make a name for itself by supporting a millionaire cheater.

As someone that spent a lot of time and energy participating in and creating ethnic organizations, I’m embarrassed by Hispanics Across America. The group is headed up by a misguided idiot, Fernando Mateo, that’s making minorities look silly. Then again, perhaps I’m simply expecting too much from a group that has this logo on its front page.

Hispanics Accross America


Author: RPadTV

3 thoughts on “Alex Rodriguez Fans Are Stupid (Hispanics Across America)”

  1. Helping Arrogant Assholes
    Honoring Anabolic Abusers
    Hopelessly Aiding Alex

    … the list goes on.

  2. I’m going to take the pessimistic explanation and say that HAA is just doing this for publicity because, lets face it; nobody knew about this organization before they lent their support for A-Rod.

    So, yeah, I’m chalking this up to a publicity stunt for attention.


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