What Are You Playing This Weekend?

This weekend, I’ll be playing two games that are incompatible with each other. First up is one of the worst games of all time — The Packing Game. As some of you know, I’m moving at the end of the month. In order to save some cash, I’m going to try to pack as many boxes as possible. (I’ll let the professionals handle the kitchen and furniture though.) My apartment currently looks like one of the ugliest games of fort ever played…or maybe part of a level in a stealth-action game.

Interfering with The Packing Game is the Heel Injury game. Yeah, I hurt myself last night and my heel is swollen. I’m alternating hobbling around and icing it. Hopefully it calms down enough so that I can get some packing done this weekend.

So yeah, my weekend playlist sucks. Hopefully yours doesn’t! What games are you playing this weekend?

Author: RPadTV


9 thoughts on “What Are You Playing This Weekend?”

  1. I’ll be playing the very double-edged game: “trash talking” with Tokz tonight. We’ve been playing this game all week.

    Hope your heel feels better. You can never go wrong with more ice!


    1. P.S. Derrick Rose wanted me to tell you “hi”. He’d do it himself, but he’s too busy beating Joakim into submission right now.

    2. They are getting pushed hard by a team missing 3 starters and the rest of the line up is pretty damn banged up. Spurs in 6 brah.

      1. Ha! You wish. You know, in all of our week-long banter, not even Tokz has ever brought up injuries as an excuse for the Bulls losing. Although I can’t deny that the Bulls have a bunch of injuries, I can say that they made it to the semi-finals without Rose, so in my eyes, they really don’t need him to win. Also, we beat this same team in the playoffs last year WITH Rose, so even if they were at “100%”, what makes you think this time around would be any different?

        I will definitely look forward to playing the Spurs or whatever shitty team from the West shows up in the Finals. By the way I’ve been watching a few games from the other division and I can’t seem to find Chris Paul anywhere. Remind me again which playoff team he’s playing with again? Golden State? Memphis?


      2. It’s a legitimate point. On paper, the Bulls shouldn’t have gotten past the Nets. 2013 Noah and Gibson are better than 2012 Noah and Gibson. This series should have been a sweep. It’s impressive the Bulls have been as competitive as they are without a full roster.

      3. Blake Griffin and his shit game tanked the Clippers.

        Dude the Heat struggled to beat Pop’s 3rd string this season…they play down to teams and can be spanked by good coaching. The Heat should sweep the Bulls. Rose is a stud when he plays and the team is only putting 2 starters on the court. They remind me of the Knicks. Heat win the trophy if they play OKC. Not sure they can beat Memphis in a series. Def not San Antonio.

      4. I still think that the Bulls are going to lose in five, maybe six at best. Still, giving the world moments like Nazr Mohammed shoving King James and Noah being Noah has been great for the NBA. It almost made up for the wretched Knicks vs. Pacers game three, which was one of the worst playoff games I’ve watched in years. http://i.minus.com/ilZb0GKEBRwBU.gif

  2. I’m bringing older games off the shelf. I finished Rage on Friday and boy did that ending blow lol, but a good game overall. FFXIII is my xbox right now and I might touch up on Deus Ex. For Arcade games its been the Sonic games 1,2,3, and Sonic and Knuckles.

  3. Although the weekend is technically over, Monday is my day off so I will be spending the time playing Pokemon White 2 and watching Futurama and Arrested Development reruns on Netflix. I’ll probably add in some Mario Kart 7 too. I really need to play Luigi’s Mansion 2 again as well, but I’ve only been playing when I really have some time to dedicate to it (which hasn’t occurred lately).

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