What Are You Playing This Weekend?

Man, I’m having so much fun inĀ Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition (Mac OSX) playing as a Shadowdancer. This thief kit isn’t working properly at the moment; it’s supposed to have a lower backstab multiplier than a standard thief, but right now it doesn’t. So that means that I can (mostly) hide in the shadows, backstab for 4x damage, immediately hide again, backstab again, lather, and repeat as needed. With a poisoned weapon, my Shadowdancer is nearly unstoppable. I actually have the other five cats in my party using projectile weapons, while my Shadowdancer plays around in the shadows, inflicting massive damage and magically disappearing from site. My main character is all, “I got this. You idiots just hang out here and hurl your arrows/bullets while I do the heavy lifting.” It’s a fun bit of overpowered gaming and I’m going to spend a good chunk of the weekend backstabbing evil.

How about you? What’s on your weekend playlist?

Author: RPadTV


4 thoughts on “What Are You Playing This Weekend?”

  1. Playing my 3DS and reading some comics. I will probably be playing some Pokemon this weekend since I want to actually power through White 2 and then transfer all my pokemon to White 2 from Black. That will take a little bit of time, so I need to actually start that soon.

  2. Gears of War Judgment will be taking over my life for the foreseeable future. If anyone has (buys/rents) this crap game, please send me a message to play. Going through this game with people you know makes it tolerable.


      1. Heh. Yeah, tell me about it. I was actually going to play Dishonored first, but a few things changed my mind.

        First, you have to understand that the “Gears” series is one of the few games that my wife enjoys playing with me. It has local split screen co-op (which not a lot of games have nowadays). She’s fairly good at it because the characters are slow and you typically have to stop and shoot, not run and gun (because she has trouble shooting and moving at the same time). That further narrows down the types of games we can play together (that we both can enjoy). Coupled with the fact that she was getting kind of irked with me just playing solo games all the time (or with other people online) I decided to prioritize this Gears game so we could have some quality “us” time playing together.

        Second, the achievement whore in me is loathing the “Sybarite” achievement since it’s going to take 30 weeks to get it. Because of my obsessive compulsiveness, I figured that I should just start the game earlier so I can get it over with. You never know when Epic is going to start screwing up the special weekend events like they did in Gears 3.

        Third, there are several people on my friends list that have this game and play it now, so I figured that I better jump on the bandwagon before they move on to something else and leave me with no one to play some of the multiplayer modes with.


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