X-Men Relaunch to Feature All-Female Team (X-Women?)

Brian Wood’s upcoming X-Men relaunch will not have any men, making the book’s title a bit curious. Instead, it will feature an all-female cast. Initially, Jubilee will be the star of the show. Longtime Marvel readers will recall that Wood was the last writer for Generation X, which was a very Jubilee-centric book. The sparkly mutant will be supported by  Kitty Pryde, Psylocke, Rachel Grey, Rogue, and Storm. X-Men #1 will hit comic book stores and digital services in April 2013.

Wood spoke with USA Today about his decision to go with an all-new, all-different, and all-female team:

I feel like as far as the X-Men go, the women are the X-Men. Cyclops and Wolverine are big names, but taken as a whole, the women kind of rule the franchise. If you look at the entire world as a whole, it’s the females that really dominate and are the most interesting and cool to look at. When you have a great artist drawing them, they look so amazing and always have.

Any thoughts on Wood’s female furies? Some fanboys are already going nuts about the decision. Personally, I don’t see what the fuss is about. There are so many X-Men books that you can easily ignore one if you don’t like it. The bigger issue, to me, is going with Jubilee as the centerpiece. I never really liked her and wish Wolverine would bring her back to the shopping mall where she was discovered. Oh wait, he can’t. Wolvie is a total puff these days.


Author: RPadTV


2 thoughts on “X-Men Relaunch to Feature All-Female Team (X-Women?)”

  1. Yeah this is a skip too. Not many marvel stories keeping my attention right now but then again im more of a DC fan boy

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