What Are You Playing This Weekend?

The parts I need to fix my television haven’t arrived yet, so it’s possible that I won’t be able to use my consoles this weekend. That sucks since there are a bunch of games I want to play. The good news is that my iPad is serving me well for television and gaming. Between the HBO Go and Time Warner Cable apps, I haven’t really missed any of the shows I usually watch. As always, I’m playing a ton of Civilization Revolution. That’s been joined by several rounds of Skylanders Cloud Patrol. If the parts for my TV don’t arrive this weekend, I’ll be perfectly content playing several iPad games and watching videos through apps.

How about you? What’s on your weekend playlist?

Author: RPadTV


13 thoughts on “What Are You Playing This Weekend?”

    1. Arkham City is one of those rare games that I wish had co-op play. I would love to team up with you or Bsu, or N8, or Nightshade and just go nuts around the place beating up thugs in tandem.

      See if you can beat N8’s or my scores in the Riddler’s Revenge challenges. He’s usually better at the fighting ones, and I completely kick-ass on the predator challenges. I remember N8 having a ridiculous score (+100,000) on the Survival of the Fittest map. I really tried to get the better of him on that one, but I fell short… by a lot. One of these days when I get back into that game (probably for Harley Quinn’s Revenge), I’ll try again.


      1. Co-op would definitely be fun in that game.

        I got a couple of the challenge rooms with three medals, and others I just couldn’t get through completely. I haven’t really had a ton of time lately to play, but I could tell I was a lot better than before. I thought I was doing really well on a couple of the maps though because I think I only needed 24,000 points and I got almost 40,000…then I looked and saw that you and N8R had around 60-80,000 or so. The predator maps are the most fun for me, I’ve had a couple problems on some of them though where I’m just waiting for someone to finally walk to the right place so I can grab them through a wall or something. I think overall my times are decent to pretty good. I’ll get the DLC eventually, but I hate thinking about how I’m gonna end up paying more for the DLC than I did the game.

      2. You got the game for cheaper than $10?! Damn!

        For what it’s worth, I know what you mean. I’ve always wanted to get the DLC for Crackdown, but it’s priced at $5. You can buy that game right now on eBay for around that. It’s ridiculous. Microsoft doesn’t seem to believe in scaling. This is just one reason why Steam is superior to Microsoft for content delivery. Steam does a way better job of matching the market when it comes to the value of games and DLC than Microsoft.

        Just do what I do and wait for it to go on sale. It may be a while, but luckily I have enough games to keep me busy until that time comes.


      3. Yeah i agree. My friend is picking up AA and asked me if it was single player and i was like it would be so awesome if it was co-op. you and n8 are just better than me. Im not even going to try. I think in AA my highest combo was 50 something. :s

  1. I will be going to a wedding tonight with a top shelf open bar, and then sleeping all day tomorrow. Once I wake up its off to work, then after I close the store at midnight I start the 15-16 hour trip near Myrtle beach, but in North Carolina. I’ll probably bring my xbox with me, but more importantly I will have my kindle for reading.

    In all likelihood the only game I end up playing, after this afternoon, is the license plate game.

  2. Getting back to Dragon’s Dogma now that I unemployed again. I tried out a “game” called Dyad. Christ that is the worst POS I have played in a long time. I deleted it 5 minutes into the demo. With graphics that crappy and basic I’m not sure why it was over 1Gb. Who okays games like that these days especially for $15. I already wasted $15 on freaking Journey. From now on I wait on ALL demos before buying

  3. Gosh, I’ve gotten into online gaming a bit too much lately. League of Legends, D&D Online and Minecraft for me. Plus Disgaea 3 for PS Vita, if I can find the time. Not to mention that my friends are egging me on to try out Team Fortress 2 and World of Tanks.

      1. Yeah, that has been the single largest use of my time in the past 3 weeks or so. Well, mostly because I was sick and out of work for 2 of them…

      2. Yeah once you get into it and all the strat underneath it’s engrossing. I don’t know if there is a better pvp style of game than a MOBA and League in particular. I still love fighting games and FPS but they seem so shallow in comparison haha!

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