The Lord of the Rings Nerd Logic Problem

I posted this important (and silly) question about The Lord of the Rings on my Facebook page and thought you guys might have fun with it too. “Say Aragorn was a lvl. 12 ranger at the start of The Fellowship of the Ring. What level and class was he at the end of The Return of the King?” I got some really cool and really nerdy answers from a few of my Facebook friends and I’m sure you guys can top it, so have at it (please)!

And also, just because I love these videos:

Author: RPadTV

18 thoughts on “The Lord of the Rings Nerd Logic Problem”

  1. Aragorn never really leveled up in actual fighting experience, however he gained a lot of Exp. in leadership. I don't really feel like he would have only been a level 12 at the beginning of the movie because he was always so well respected and known by different high level people around Middle Earth. He gained some skill levels at different points (getting Narsil after it was reforged for instance). He also completed plenty of quests and side missions.

    To completely and accurately answer this question I think you would also have to have a discussion about what level Gandalf started out as and how much he leveled up when he became Gandalf the White. Also, what type of level cap are we using here? Pokemon is at level 100, but uses a different type of Exp. system than I think we are discussing here. I believe WoW is capped at level 80, no? So let's say Gandalf the Grey starts at level 20, then in The Two Towers he jumps to a level 80 White Wizard. Aragorn eventually makes a similar jump in Return of the King. He goes to level 80 King instead, but how much of a jump did he actually make? And how important is that number considering we know the ending point?

    I don't know if I'm the most qualified to make a judgement call on exactly how Aragorn progresses through his skill levels. This also makes me want to watch the movies again, which I was already thinking of doing recently anyways. I know I'm missing some of the details and level increase points, but I'd say the most important skill increase is maxing out at the end and becoming King. Maybe this will stir the pot up a little bit and get someone else to comment on this too.

  2. Uh, … yeah. I'm more of a Star Trek nerd than a Lord of the Rings nerd. So, uh, I'm going to sit this one out.


  3. I don't know, I was rooting for Sauron. I mean the series was named after him, right? I didn't watch Superman to root for Jimmy Olsen either.

    1. The only reason you didn't is because we all know that Peter Parker is a superior photographer.

      Seriously, though, I'd like to see a graphic novel (in the vein of Hush) where it turns out that Jimmy is the mastermind behind a series of criminal endeavors all meant to drive Superman crazy. The story I have in my head has lots of potential and face it, we've all wanted to punch that kid in the face at one point or another. He’d make a great heel.


      1. I'm pretty sure he has gone heel in the past. I mean, the Superman story has been around too long (80 years) to rule it out.

        I always thought that Mister Mxyzptlk should have been less zany and more like a Frank Miller Joker kind of evil. The character has LOTS of potential to be one of the greatest villains ever.

        But to address your first statement, Peter Parker gets better angles, but Jimmy Olsen gets better content. But that's mainly because Superman would treat Spider-Man like the red-headed adopted kid he is. In fact, I argue that there are only a handful of fictional characters in all realms of fiction that could straight up fight Sups… and Batman as well as Spider-Man is not one of them.

        Spawn is one of them. Darth Vader is another. I even think the Silver Surfer would put up a good fight against Sups, as would Thor. Jesse Custer would be too awesome. He'd just tell him to f*#k off back to Krypton and he would.

      2. I never said that Spidey could go toe-to-toe with Superman, I said Parker is a superior photographer than Olsen. Now riddle me this: if there are only a handful of fictional characters in all realms of fiction that could straight up fight Sups, how is it that a mere N64 game could bring the character to his knees?


      3. Parker's photos suck. They're almost always out of focus, have the wrong white-balance levels, use the wrong ISO, etc. It's like he's not even behind the camera when he's taking pictures of Spider-Man. What the hell kind of professional photographer relies on auto-focus?!?

      4. I'll give you that, but assuming that Peter is good with Photoshop, you really don't need someone behind the camera, now do you? ;)


      5. Ahhh… no. Source material is everything. Having someone behind the camera really helps. Auto-sharpen can only do so much.

  4. I don't think he lvled up in the last book at all. He had already hit the lvl cap when he grabbed the orb at Helmsdeap and cleansed it of Souron's presence. Souron recognized that Aragorn was strong enough to wield the one ring, which is clearly end game loot, against him because of it. I think at some point he multiclassed to Warlord/Marshal, but that happened before the books started. Probably back when he fought in one of the previous wars.

  5. I think a better question is what lvl was Smeagol at and what did he end at as Gollum?

    Another better question is how many lvls did Luke Skywalker jump between Empire and Jedi?

    1. Andúril was a mythic weapon (FFXI). They had to have all the fragments gathered and reforged by a specific craftsman.

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