Today’s Poll: Are You Interested in the Amazon Kindle Fire?

Amazon recently announced the Kindle Fire, an Android-based tablet with a killer $199 price point, DC Comics graphic novel exclusivity, a unique server-assisted web browser called Silk, and more. The killer price should make it an attractive option to first-time tablet-buyers and those looking for a secondary tablet. Its heavy tie-ins with Amazon digital services give it an enormous advantage over competing Android, BlackBerry, and webOS tablets. I’m positive that this is going to be one of the killer products this holiday season.

Today I wanted to see if you guys and dolls were interested in the Kindle Fire. Kindly take today’s poll and let me know what you think about Amazon’s aggressively-priced foray into the tablet computing world.

[poll id=”134″]

Author: RPadTV

35 thoughts on “Today’s Poll: Are You Interested in the Amazon Kindle Fire?”

  1. It's crazy, I really have no interest in purchasing a tablet at all, no matter how cheap. I would gladly take a free one but would probably only use it for a week or so.

      1. I know what I'm missing, but I don't want a tablet so technically I'm not really missing anything. I'm sure they are awesome but a tablet is not practical for my lifestyle and that's what it really boils down to.

      2. Yo I really shed a tear I laughed so hard. I do use my phone on the crapper (left hand only) but only for a minute or two. I check here, texts, and sometimes collect money in one of my "ville" games.

  2. I voted for yes. I may even pre-order it by the end of next week. Any word if it there will be add on memory.

    1. No, Amazon wants you to use the cloud as much as possible. I wish there were two models for the Fire. 8GB will fill up fast and I'd like to keep a lot of content on local storage.

  3. I hate to do it… but I have to agree with the Jessie Owens of Mortal Kombat.

    I'd take a free one, but I got better things to spend the same money on.

    1. I told you I'm down to whip your ass in MK this weekend, funny how you have failed to mention that.

      Jesse Owens won a few gold medals in Nazi Germany. Just like Owens I intend to whip your ass real quick in a hostile environment.

      1. Speaking of Nazi Germany, you should sport a "Michael Jordan" moustache when you play him so you can blitzkrieg the WOHN scheiBe out of his VERDAMMT STAHL LIEBEVOLLE ARSCHLOCH!


        Sorry, I got a little carried away, but it sounds a lot better when it's yelled out.


      2. This weekend… is just bad timing. I promised somebody something so I gotta be somewhere. If that falls through, somebody else said something else about this other thing that that's similar to the first thing but is more like the third thing.

        I don't know how to make that more clear.

      3. Uh-oh.

        In all fairness, if that was Big Blak's excuse, you would have come up with a snarky, creative insult that would have made me shoot milk out of my nose should I be drinking while reading the comment.


      4. In all fairness… my dog DID eat my MK disc, but I got it back later on the other end, so I feel a match with BB will now be a little more equal i.e. fair.

        He just needs to settle on a real date and not this mythological "weekend" he keeps referring to.

      5. According to this list:

        10/01/11 is Less Than Perfect Day…. OF COURSE you would try to set a date on a day that I will obviously be celebrating by being less than perfect.

        Being less than perfect is an affliction that millions and millions of people the world over suffer from everyday. You could at least show some respect for the less than perfect and honor the holiday.

      6. Apparently, The month of October is:

        Family History Month
        National Pizza Month
        National Clock Month
        National Popcorn Popping Month
        National Roller Skating Month
        Adopt a Dog Month
        Computer Learning Month
        National Apple Month
        National Car Care Month
        National Pretzel Month
        National Stamp Collecting Month
        National AIDS Awareness Month
        National Adopt a shelter pet Month
        National Dessert Month
        National Cosmetology Month
        National Pickled Pepper Month
        National Sarcastic Month
        National Seafood Month
        National Kitchen and Bath Month,
        Vegetarian Awareness Month
        Breast Cancer Awareness Month
        Polish History Month
        Child Health Month
        National Pasta Month
        Nation Pork Month
        National Cookie Month
        Health Literacy Month
        Diversity Awareness Month
        Domestic Violence Awareness Month
        National Depression Education & Awareness Month
        National Crime Prevention Month
        National Disability Employment Awareness Month
        Clergy Appreciation Month
        Dinosaur Month
        Eat Country Ham Month
        Hunger Awareness Month
        National Applejack Month
        National Communicate with Your Kid Month
        Fantasy Month
        National Pharmacy Month
        Do-It Yourself Month
        National Dental Hygiene Month
        National Orthodontic Month
        Consumer Information Month
        World Chocolate Awareness Month
        American Magazine Month
        Auto Battery Safety Month
        Campaign for Healthier Babies Month
        Christmas Seal Campaign Month
        Country Music Month
        Energy Awareness Month
        Car Care Month
        Fire Prevention Month
        Hunger Awareness Month
        SIDS Awareness Month
        Spinal Health Month
        UNICEF Month
        Youth against Tobacco Month
        Asthma Awareness Month
        Auto Battery Safety Month
        Cookbook Month
        Eat Better, Eat Together Month
        Family Health Month
        Healthy Lung Month
        International Microwave Month
        Learning Disabilities Awareness Month
        Month of the First Frost
        National Caramel Month
        National Collector's Month
        National Cranberry Month
        National Education Month
        National Pumpkin Month
        National Sausage Month
        Safe America Month
        Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Awareness Month
        Turn Over a New Leaf Month
        Chevy Truck Month
        American Girl Month
        Brain Awareness Month

        What Really caught me was the fact that it was National Pizza Month, National Popcorn Popping Month, National Apple Month, National Pretzel Month, National Dessert Month, National Pickled Pepper Month, National Seafood Month, Vegetarian Awareness Month, National Pasta Month, Nation Pork Month, National Cookie Month, Eat Better, Eat Together Month, Eat Country Ham Month, National Applejack Month, World Chocolate Awareness Month, National Caramel Month, National Cranberry Month, National Pumpkin Month, National Sausage Month,

        AND… be Hunger Awareness Month.

        Maybe that's all part of it being National Sarcastic month though.

  4. I am. It will make a nice 3rd table for me. My 1st TouchPad is the 16Gb for $99, got a 2nd TouchPad of the 32Gb variety coming next week…..finally. I'd like to sell them both and get an Android something, but I could deal with a tablet in the bedroom, living room and bathroom.

  5. I'm getting a Kindle of some kind this holiday season, but I'm not entirely sure which one. If it doubles as a tablet, that'd be nice; however, this is my first foray into the tablet world, and I'm clueless. Anybody have advice?

    1. It depends what you want to use it for. The Kindle Fire is primarily about content consumption, specifically Amazon's music, books, movies, TV shows, etc. If you want to do things like Skype chat or watch Netflix video then you might be out of luck.

      I wrote like 7 articles on the Kindle Fire on if you're interested.

      1. For the most part, I'm looking for books. I don't care as much about the other things, but they would be nice. I'll check out your articles, thanks.

  6. I've actually been dropping hints on the Kindle Fire as an Xmas gift. LoL oddly enough I was leary of the whole thing when they started b/c I'd rather have the feel of a real book in my hands. That and the fact blinding screens already affect my horrible vision(yes yes im aware of screen color change and dimming now). That and I live on 3 screens daily lol. But unfortunately room is a factor lol. I'm a little sad tho about the amount of sci fi books in stock I'm actually interested in on Amazon, but I'm sure that will improve.

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