Gray Hairs and High Blood Pressure Courtesy of AnHosting

AnHosting has managed to botch the site’s server migration for the fourth time. This is beyond ridiculous. The numerous service outages of the last two weeks and the multiple failed migrations have been stressing me out. I have a bunch of other problems, but I’m paying AnHosting for the pleasure of this one.

Let’s rewind a bit. For the site’s first 15 months, AnHosting has been mostly excellent. Service was solid and consistent, no matter what kind of traffic the site was getting. 2011 has been spotty, especially since April. The last two weeks have been pathetic. The company is in the process of migrating all of its accounts to a new server facility. Due to my numerous service outages, I was promised early migration twice. That never happened. My scheduled migration never happened. The late migration I was assured of never happened.

Here’s the latest entry on my (really long) support ticket (opened on 7/26/11):

Okay, my account has not been migrated to the new server. This is partly hilarious and partly frustrating. To review:

8/3/11: James Griffiths offered to migrate my account early due to performance issues. This did not happen.
8/5/11: Josh Howard offered to migrate my account early, but this got messed up and the account remained on the old server.
8/8/11: This was when my migration was scheduled to happen, as per your migration date tool. The account remained on the old server.
8/9/11: After reviewing how ridiculous the sitation had become, Adam Croshaw wrote in ticket #25511570 , “I have talked with our technical team lead and he is making sure you are taken care of.” The account is still on the old server.

So two early migrations were mishandled. The scheduled migration didn’t happen. The late migration didn’t happen. How is this acceptable?

I commend you for finding new ways to irritate me on a daily basis — (multiple) botched migrations, (multiple) service outages, bizarre account suspensions, etc.

Now will somebody please live up to their word and do what they say they’re going to do?!?

Please excuse me while I wait for my daily service outage….

On the plus side, everyone that I’ve dealt with has been polite and courteous. I was also given two months of free service for my troubles. Still, I am so frustrated by what has been happening with the site for the last two weeks and AnHosting’s inability to rectify the situation. I’m pretty sure AnHosting is the primary reason why I’ve had headaches, stressed shoulders, and new gray hairs in the last week.

Thanks for reading this self-therapy blog-post!

Author: RPadTV

3 thoughts on “Gray Hairs and High Blood Pressure Courtesy of AnHosting”

  1. I am with you. My sites have been constantly down or slow for the last 6 weeks, daily. Then they suspended my unlimited account for, you guessed it, over use. So I shut down 2 domains to reduce the cpu load (which has never happend before) and still outages and dial up speeds on T1 cable……

    The migration happened 18 hours ago, 3 days late. Then a customer rang me and said my site is down again that was 9 hours after the migration. This morning when I get up the site was working and then 30mins in to php editing, bang the site and the server goes down again.

    I can not even change hosts because the servers are so unstable I risk corrupting data if the server crashes during a migration…… Even my backups are corrupted.

    I have now notified them if no solution is provided i will be back charging $180/ each hour of downtime. It is simply pathetic.

    1. Thanks for sharing Paul! If I performed the traceroute correctly, it looks like we're on the same server. I'm guessing this means that we were on the same server prior to migration too.

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