Friday Housekeeping

– After struggling with my web host on a wide variety of issues, has supposedly been moved to a new data server. Allegedly, performance should be much better. Things appear that way at the moment, but I’ve had so many problems with this web host in 2011 that I fully expect an outage next week.

– Having said that, I need your help beating up the new server. The site will take a few seconds to load the first few times you use it, but after caching is back in order it should be zippy. If you are experiencing any sort of slowness, please leave a comment with the issue, your operating system, and your browser.

– This might be tempting fate, but I’m going to attempt to use a new beta service that should make the site load faster, improve my page ranking, and improve my search result placement. I hope to have everything set up and rolled out this weekend. Let’s see how it goes.

– I’ll be mailing out the Ghost Recon beta keys this weekend.

– I’ll also be randomly picking the winners of the Activision superhero windbreakers.

– Thanks for your patience with the numerous site issues and, as always, thanks for hanging out!

Author: RPadTV

12 thoughts on “Friday Housekeeping”

  1. It's funny. Depending on which tech I talk to, the site is or isn't on a new server. I get new answers every day. The latest news is that my site ISN'T on the new server, even though i was told it was several times. These guys are killing me…but hopefully Google Page Speed Service will make up for their idiocy.

  2. Google Page Speed Service is now active on the site. Things *should* be much faster now. I've tested the site on three difference connections and it seems that way. If you can, please let me know how the site is behaving for you.

    1. The speed feels the same on this Compaq laptop, yes Compaq, this thing is about 5 years old.

  3. I've never had a problem on this site on Chrome, IE, or Safari on my MacBook Pro. (I sometimes use IE when I'm running Windows, but Chrome is winning me over fast.)

    I'll have to see how this site responds to on my phone, since that's the only thing I've had issues with.


  4. I can notice the site loading up faster. Alexa hasn't registered the speed increase yet, but I can notice a difference using Win7 chrome.

  5. Sever migration is scheduled to take place between 8PM to 12AM MDT, despite the fact that the morons at AnHosting have promised me early migration twice. Various support reps claim that this will solve all performance issues the site is having. Given their track record, I sincerely doubt that will be the case.

  6. Apparently my server migration never happened. You know the migration I was twice promised early and was officially scheduled for last night?!? Yeah, that thing that was supposed to solve all of my hosting problems never happened.

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