What Are You Playing This Weekend?

I’m going to be finishing up The 3rd Birthday for a Machinima.com review this weekend. I want to tell you lots and lots about the game…but I have to wait until the review posts. To break things up, I’ll take some Dragon Age II breaks. My fourth game is underway and I’m still loving it. This time around I’m going for a perfect rogue that can dole out damage by the tens of thousands.

How about you? What’s on your weekend playlist?

Author: RPadTV


16 thoughts on “What Are You Playing This Weekend?”

  1. MLB 2K11. I'm hoping to have my review done shortly, possibly today. I still want to get a couple of more online games in. Will likely also be starting my 4th playthrough of Dragon Age 2.

    Sunday night I'm running a table top Mass Effect conversion using the Savage Worlds rules. First non-playtesting game in the campaign, so it should be interesting!

    1. Have you played MLB 11: The Show yet? The new analog pitching is great. Don't like the analog batting though, I switched the batting back to classic.

      1. One of our other writers played The Show. We posted his review yesterday. I'm doing 2K. Hopefully after we're both done we can swap copies so we can both try the other game.

  2. I'm gonna try and run through ME2. A friend has loaned me a copy and since I want a good game with a story…this will do.

    I'll also be trying to play QWOP every now and then. Link below. I can't make the full 100 meteres

  3. @Ray

    Since you are doing a few things for Machinima do you think you'll get to review Heroes of Might and Magic VI? It's pretty much a done deal that I'm buying it but I'd be interested to hear yours (or any rpadaholic's) feelings towards it.

    1. There are 2 kinds of heroes 'round these here parts… those of might… and those of magic.

      Which one are you, boy?

  4. Pokemon HeartGold and Pokemond Black for the weekend, Blue Chip Casino tonight apparently.

      1. @smartguy

        Ar Tonelico Qoga. It's a JRPG a friend gifted to me, and a few guy friends of mine have shat bricks over for the last 2 weeks or so. Plays out like a typical JRPG: anime style art, standard 4 party, real time fighting, story book game made by NIS America/Gust. Same people who do the Atelier series and a few others. You're resucing a girl, and the world(big surprise!) lol. It's big hype tho, or so what I've been hearing, is the silly sexual contet taken out of context to be silly. That and the magical female protagonists that get to be in your party, called Reyvatails, have to partially nude it up to be able to use some of their powers for the party. Things like healing, str up, def up. It's actually an amuzing, crazy game.

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