Happy Birthday Twitter!

Twitter turned five-years old yesterday. It’s crazy how fast the service has grown and how influential it has become. People use it to follow their favorite celebrities, athletes, and verbal entertainers. People use it to track their favorite news sources in real time. People use it to stay informed about global disasters (Haiti, Japan) and make sure their loved ones are safe. People use it to spread news on the latest political revolutions (Egypt, Libya) as they happen. In retrospect, it’s hilarious that pundits initially dismissed Twitter as a web site about nothing.

As for me, I use Twitter to follow news, keep in touch with friends, see what some of my favorite writers are up to, promote RPad.tv content, communicate with readers, and more. It’s my favorite social media tool, by far. I love its quickness, brevity, and ease of use.

What do you think of Twitter’s growth over the last five years? Are you impressed by what it has become? Do you enjoy using Twitter? For those of you that are down on it, what don’t you like about Twitter?

Author: RPadTV


6 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Twitter!”

  1. Now that it is actually used widespread (as opposed to 4 years ago when I first heard about it) and used I like it a lot.

    I'm actually bummed I missed Conan last night since Biz was supposed to be on.

    1. The Biz Stone interview is online.

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  2. Speaking of birthdays, since it's after midnight now… Happy Birthday Sandrock!!!!

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