More iPad 2 Lines Today

With new shipments arriving at select Apple Store locations today, gear heads lined up at New York and San Francisco stores for a second chance at an iPad 2. That’s pretty nuts. In an investor note, Ticonderoga Securities’ Brian White said:

The lines to buy the iPad 2 in New York City and San Francisco were again quite a spectacle this morning, a trend we believe will occur throughout the week. In New York City, three of the four stores already sold out of the iPad 2 in the first couple of hours this morning, and tickets were handed out at the flagship store to help people avoid waiting in line unnecessarily.

Additionally, the flagship San Francisco store opened an hour early and was also handing out tickets to a line of well over 400 people. Those at the end of this line were told the likelihood of getting an iPad 2 this morning were slim.

Launch lines are completely common, but four-days-after-launch lines are pretty remarkable. At this rate, I’m thinking about picking up a few units to flip on eBay. (I know you’re not supposed to do that, but I’m poor. Ha!) With the iPad 2 set to launch globally at the end of the month, it looks like supply issues will continue for a long time.

What do you make of the iPad 2’s initial success? Is it crazier than you thought it would be?


Author: RPadTV

9 thoughts on “More iPad 2 Lines Today”

  1. Way crazier than I thought. I would have thought that when people found out the cameras they were clamoring for were sub-par it would have stopped some of the craze.

    I do however like that it is selling extremely well. i hope this drives down the price of the Galaxy Tab 10.1. Especially with Samsung already downing their own product.

    1. The cameras are crap for stills, but the video quality seems good. For my purposes — video chat with overseas friends and family — they're fine. I'm more interested in the dual-core performance gains and new form factor. Both of those things are much more important to me than the cameras.

  2. I am actually still torn on which tablet to get. There are a slew of them being released in April (which can;t get here soon enough) and I am dead set on having one, just don't know which yet.

    Honestly I only want something that boot very quickly that I can use to browse the internet from my couch or bed. So if I find something else that will last at a better price I might just go with some knock-off brand.

      1. I will part with my 16gb iPad 1 on the cheap. Still available for extended warranty :)

        original packaging and all lol.

  3. @rpad

    Didnt adobe release a software u can download that translates flash to html5? Or was i dreaming that

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