Buy Portal 2 PS3, Get PC/Mac Version for Free

Valve Software has announced that customers that purchase the PlayStation 3 version of Portal 2 and tie their PSN ID to their Steam account will get the PC/Mac version for free. Additionally, the game will feature cross-platform multiplayer and chat between Mac, PC, and PS3 players. In today’s press release, Valve president Gabe Newell said:

We made a promise to gamers at E3 that Portal 2 for the PlayStation 3 would be the best console version of the product. Working together with Sony we have identified a set of features we believe are very compelling to gamers. We hope to expand upon the foundation being laid in Portal 2 with more Steam features and functionality in DLC and future content releases.

This is a really exciting development for Portal fans…except for those that only play games on an Xbox 360. In light of today’s announcement, that version looks kind of crap in comparison, don’t you agree?

Author: RPadTV

7 thoughts on “Buy Portal 2 PS3, Get PC/Mac Version for Free”

  1. I tried to use Steam a long time ago when I tried playing Half-Life on my PC. Never liked the idea of Steam so I decided I would never again play or use anything that used it.

  2. well that sucks. I mean it's awesome for PS3 users, and I love how they have cross platform multiplayer! Too bad I will be playing this on 360.

  3. Microsoft needs to give up their walled garden on Live. You can't screw all the partners you've spent so much time working to gain, over things that are sooooo trivial. Bioware, Valve, and Square Enix have all talked out about how they are hurting us, gamers, over things that have to do with Live. You can't have user generated content for free, you can't host your own content on your servers for players to download, and you can't have MMOs anymore apparently. (Square won't comment why exactly, but they have made it clear it is not their fault)

    Microsoft is intentionally gimping their own service in order to make more profits off of gamers, developers, and publishers. They can not keep doing this and keep their number one spot and I'm glad Portal will be better on the PS3. Put a fire under them Gabe and make it really burn.

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