CamiKitten and Sandrock323 Show Off Their Swag!

Here’s an excellent picture of RPadholics CamiKitten and Sandrock323 sporting their amazingly stylish shirts. You guys look great! Thanks so much for picking up shirts and sending this in! As my friend Ether likes to say, hearts are exploding in my head!!!

Author: RPadTV

12 thoughts on “CamiKitten and Sandrock323 Show Off Their Swag!”

      1. im sorry, i shouldnt have said that, rrod set me up for it….really, i apologize if that was insensitive

  1. i'm going to have to pick up something soon. hopefully if i get a good xmas bonus i'll have a lil something leftover to pick up a couple of shirts.

    1. you may get a nice xmas bonus, but i know what you wont have….DIGNITY!! NOT AFTER SUNDAY!!!

      you are going DOWN, sir

      seagals for the mother fu*#ing win, son

      1. SOB! it looks like it will happen too. my team is falling apart.

        A fantasy football giant will lose this weekend.

  2. I just got my stuff in. I still haven’t had time to open it though. I’ll send a pic after this weekend.

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