NFL Football in Los Angeles Speculation Post!

As requested by Rpadholic N8R, here’s some space to discuss the possibility of NFL football returning to Los Angeles. What team will be moved? Will it be the Bills or Chargers as some have speculated? What does AEG’s alleged purchase of 35% of the Chargers mean? Where will the team play? Will it be the proposed stadium next to the Staples Center? Or will it be in San Gabriel Valley, which is (sadly) the easier choice. Is there any chance that the team will be called the Hollywood Lamberts? Discuss (please)!

Author: RPadTV

25 thoughts on “NFL Football in Los Angeles Speculation Post!”

  1. If they move the Bills to LA.., the more interesting thing would be what would they rename the team. It wouldn't be ok to be called the LA Bills.

  2. Oh, they'd change the name for sure.

    I think the best bet is either the AEG proposal. The Downtown idea is probably best, it just doesn't make sense.

    The Forum isn't exactly in a great neighborhood either.

      1. Methinks you want E3 in Vegas since it would be convenient to also "cover" the Adult Entertainment Expo at around the same time, no?


  3. I still say the thing that would make the most sense would be to move the Jags out of Jacksonville. You could easily swap them with the Chiefs and put them in the AFC West. Chiefs being in the AFC South would work. I don't know how you move an AFC East team and not realign 3 divisions to make it work.

  4. Call me nostalgic, but I think L.A. should get the Raiders back. I think it's the only chance they have to be good again.

    Also, Force Unleashed, Al Davis.


    1. The Raiders belong in Oakland. If you want to move a team "back" to L.A. for nostolgia's sake, it should be the Lambs.

  5. Vikings would be my guess as the team that moves. Minnesota legislature won't use an funds to help with a new stadium and it is reported that the owner is willing to sell.

  6. I doubt he's really willing to sell. He's put a TON of money into trying to win. I don't see him just up and walking away after that. It's more likely he's willing to move the team to a higher revenue environment to support his spending habits.

    1. Perhaps. Some people are just eccentric. Carl Icahn for example.

      I still stick with them based on the stadium issue. Also I think the NFL wants to put an already good team in such a large market.

  7. that's a good one smartguy. i've heard about Minnesota and it would make sense too. also it wouldn't be that drastic of a change for the NFL. they can swap out Minnesota from the NFC north with the STL Rams and the Minnesota will be in the West in a weaker division. t

  8. L.A. Vikings? I don't know, it just doesn't have the same ring to it. Of course, a name change is always a good possibility. It should be something to reflect the local flavor, but it should also be something tough.

    That's why my recommendation would be the L.A. Crips & Bloods. The uniforms will be a neutral color, but the helmets of the offense will be blue and the helmets for the defense will be red. As long as the football team wins and works together, it can serve as a model of civility and bring two bitter factions together under a common flag. It's genius, I tell you!


    1. I like the idea of the name change to be "The L.A. Traffic".

      But I suppose it has to end in "S" because all NFL teams end in "S"… so how about the "L.A. Sequels".

  9. L.A. Sunshines

    L.A. Surgeons

    L.A. Bums

    L.A. Glitters

    L.A. Paparazzi (that is the plural form, paparazzo is singular)

    L.A. Douche Bags

    L.A. Monies (that is the XFL team that never was)

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